Child Development

When a child is born during the early 1-2 years the development is measured by the MILESTONES or the GROWTH of a baby. As the child grows the development is accompanied by habits, manners, and etiquette.

Development is not just about a specific topic. Child development is a major task for every parent. Every parent wants the child to be a better human being. 

As a parent, I always feel that mistakes are the first step toward development. Let the child do mistakes to learn from them and not repeat them. (here, development means other than growth)

We adults nowadays are busy matching kids as per society's norms but we forget that along with it, a child has his or her perspective so we need to focus on helping them develop by themselves and not try to shape them as per our terms.  

We, of course, need to shape them but not on our terms.

Be the Child's Role Model:

"Mother, father, and elementary school teachers play a very important part as role models."

- Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam(Ignited Minds).

These lines are said by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and it's very true, as a parent we are the first role model for our children and we shape them into what to become when they grow through our behavior. 

I mentioned in my previous post about improving ourselves before we want to inculcate any habit in our child. If you are angry and cranky your child can never become calm and well-mannered.

The school and the teachers along with parents play a vital role in the child's early development. So, it's very important as a parent in which school we enroll our kids.  

Role models shape kids in their better development and it's better early than late. The parent's responsibility doesn't stop after the child starts going to school, it increases (according to me).

Developing and educating are two different points. An educated child is not necessarily developed. Writing, learning, reading, and speaking are part of development but along with that, the most important one is SELF-DEVELOPMENT. 

What is Self Development?

Starting from an early age, self-development is very important every parent should teach their child.

Self-development means being confident and doing our tasks or work independently. 

From studies, it's stated that the child understands about self from 2 years onwards. We, adults, underestimate them.

Now, my toddler is 3.5 years old and she is very confident and happy while going to school and doesn't allow me to carry her bag, also I don't want she should be dependent on me. The point here is while going all the people stare around us stating, "aww, so small girl carrying so heavy bag and waking up so early".

I mean, why? Why so much unnecessary care? Which is not necessary. I think kids are smart and strong enough to do their work independently.

As I mentioned in my DISCIPLINE topic post, kids should do self work it may be picking up plates, wearing clothes, picking up their things, etc. Doing all this independently will teach them later to not depend on anyone for their work, not even their parents.

If your child can sing rhymes, and write ABCs but doesn't carry his/her bag, doesn't wear or remove clothes on their own, and can't eat by himself then your child is NOT DEVELOPED.

In this fast world of technology, we are just focusing on educating our children. The basic development things are left behind due to which an undeveloped adult is raised.

In India, We all have seen this in our family, (I don't blame anybody) but most men don't pick up their plates or clean the laundry, they are dependent on a lady for this(as they are raised by saying it's a woman's task).

Nobody is wrong or right but the tradition which is going from so long should be changed to a better society. Everybody should do their self-work. Help each other but nothing should state it's his or her work, it should be SELF WORK.

If you want CHANGE then BE the CHANGE.

It's difficult to change the behavior of older ones so parents, start teaching our kids. Let them be confident and brave enough for a good thing and not just follow a tradition that is hurting or being dominant.

All the aspects mentioned may or may not be true in all cases but most of them still today exist. My intent is not to hurt anybody but just want the change. 

I hope it helps you too in some way. Thank you for reading❤. 

Keep Reading!

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