How to inculcate habits in kids?

 Habit is not a one-time job or to be told every day to do. Habit means doing the work every day without fail on our own.

It takes time for work to become a habit.

The early we start teaching self-work to our kids, soon it becomes a habit for them.

There is no age limit to start teaching kids to do their work or helping others in the work. Only thing is, The younger ones make mistakes while doing it for the first time but learn with time.

Note: The better you start early, the easier will be for you to make it a habit until they are grown up.

Always be patient while teaching habits to your kids otherwise you will see your replica in a few months. Kids learn things they observe more than we teach.

The habit of Self-work:

Girl or boy, adult or child everyone should have a habit of doing their work.

The habit of self-work should start from childhood itself. 

Folding self clothes(starting with napkins), picking up your dish after a meal, keeping your stuff(toys, books, etc) in its place after done playing or studying, and throwing wrappers in the dustbin after eating chocolate or biscuits. These small things today will help further when your child grows up.

My daughter by seeing me started doing her work 2 years onwards. Sometimes she forgets but I remind her, "shivaanshi put your stuff in place, and then she keeps it". Sometimes she is not in the mood to do it, so I tell her "shivaanshi can you please help me keep your stuff in place" and she says "yes Mumma let's do it".  

Kids are very moody, don't fuss if they say no instead find some other way to make them do their work. 

The habit of helping others in the work:

Kids learn what they see around them, it started with me helping my daughter keep her things. And I don't know when and how she noticed everything and started helping me in setting up the dining, and many small households. 

Like if I am placing the clothes in the wardrobe, she will bring the clothes to me from the laundry bag. 

If I am cleaning the floor she will help me pick up the mess.

If I am watering the plants, she will bring the can to me or fill the can for me.

I knew she is small for these little things and some might think why I am teaching all these from an early age but I feel if she loves today then why stop her? when she is not doing any wrong.

The habit of getting up early and sleeping early:

Today due to work schedules parents cannot manage to sleep early but I feel that no matter how much busy you are you need to sleep on time and get up early.

Work is important but not more than our health. Whereas I think we are working for our health then why do it at the cost of ruining it and then paying for it😶. It's a completely useless concept I feel.

At least 10 hours of sleep is necessary for a child and 8 hours of sleep is necessary for an adult.

Make A habit of bedtime stories for kids and avoid taking mobiles at night time. As I say if you are doing wrong your child won't learn good things. Watch your actions.

I have started bedtime stories for shivaanshi recently, well I started it very late which I regret but it's never too late to start. So, if you have not started yet, do it today.

Today it's a month since we started reading bedtime books and shivaanshi no matter what brings one book to me and says Mumma today we will read this book😊.

The habit of Table Manners:

I have already explained table manners in this post

The habit of reading :

Today in the era of technology, everyone has lost the connection to reading books. The technology that harms you is never for your benefit.

I hardly found someone reading and some read for the sake of social media followers. Very few are there who read for their benefit. 

I still remember, my dad, reading books and explaining to me the stories. That was the start of my interest in reading. 
Note: Your child will gain interest if you are doing it, if they see you only surfing on mobile and laptops, they will never get interested in reading.

I started reading books for my daughter when she was one year old and I think I started very late, although I bought board books at 5-6 months, I think reading books earlier helps further.

I started with a Marathi-English book as my mother tongue is Marathi and it helped her connect to English faster through Marathi. You can start with any language you want.

Today my daughter is 3 years 3 months, and she can understand both Marathi as well as English. Although she speaks Marathi fluently and not English yet she recites English rhymes and speaks 1-2 sentences.

Since my daughter Shivaanshi started going to school, I have made a routine for her to read books(earlier we used to read any time in a day or week). Shivaanshi's school has also helped to gain an interest in reading from an early age and even they motivate the parents to do so. I am so happy that she is part of Fr. Agnels(It's not a promotion, I have just mentioned her school name as they are really doing well for the development of the child and not just educating or completing the syllabus).

Introducing book 

Introducing Reading

Narrating in mother tongue(Marathi)

Reading and understanding 

The one reason I started reading books for shivaanshi late as I was thinking I will start once she starts speaking but there's no logic in introducing books to kids for this reason which I realized late. 
Yes, but that doesn't mean I did not talk to her, I narrated stories, talk to her, sing rhymes and songs, and chanted stotras only thing was I did not introduce her to books which I think you should not do so I am sharing it here.

The habit of study time:

This part is for kids 2.5+ age. Fix the time and duration for studying. You can start with a 15-minute duration and increase it with the age of the child. 

Studying means you don't have to give books or crayons and tell them to study. Starting with 2.5 years, you can instruct them or read books for them. Do it on daily basis and trust me, one day your child will come to you and say, Mumma, is it study time let's study(like my daughter).

At 3 years, I give shivaanshi worksheets for coloring and instruct her what she has to do it. We read books with expressions and voiceovers. We sing rhymes and dance. We paint, scribble, paper tear, and many more fun activities while her study time. Also, I ask questions in English and she answers( related to curriculum or surroundings, or family).

She enjoys her study time and me too. Along with me, shivaanshi's school(Fr Agnels) has helped me a lot in her development and today I can see a better girl. One who was shy to talk to anybody is talking to her friends and teachers. Enjoys going to school. Still, she is choosy about whom to talk but yes she is improving and that matters a lot. 

Child Development is neither a teacher's job nor a parent's. We should together do it to make a better human in society.

I will discuss child development in my future post.

The habit of extra activities:

 Along with studies, I think every child should have a habit of some extra activity. It may be a sport, art, dance, singing, or anything they love.

I had thought of putting shivaanshi in swimming classes but she is too small for that, you can try for kids above 5 years. 

Karate, hula hoop, gymnast, etc are also good options for grownups. 

As I always say, "All day study and no play makes jack a dull boy", and so we don't want our kids to be dull. 

Give them a hobby that becomes their habit. Along with education health is equally important so putting in an extra activity relating to the sport will help it. 

It's always your and your child's choice but I feel sports is the best option. 

The habit of brushing teeth twice a day:

For every work you want your child should do, you should start doing it first.

When the child is small you can easily tell them what to do but once your child is a toddler(3+ years) then they will be a questionnaire to you. 
" Mumma why you don't brush your teeth?"
"Why papa is not brushing?"

The answers you will be giving will become their answers tomorrow so give them wisely.😉

Today's smart kids aren't easily fooled. (Personal experience😜). I think you should not even try. 

Stay loyal to your kids, they will give you the same. 

Start brushing with your kids and you all will enjoy it. I have been doing(without fail) this with my daughter and I think it's a better option than answering their question paper🤣. 

Always remember, if you are inculcating habits in your kids then do not forget even a single day. No matter where are you, always read the book with them and brush your teeth twice(even on a vacation). Your habit will become their habit. Today if you say, it's ok we will skip them tomorrow, they will say, I don't want to do it like that day you don't want Mumma. 

And on this, I have seen moms becoming cranky and angry on giving back answers but all this they learn from you and no one else.

All the above habits, I am inculcating in my daughter, she is 3 years old and still learning all these things but I am sure if I continue it without fail then at 5 years she will get the habit of it.

I hope my post helps you in some way. Keep reading and please do comment if I miss something you think I should mention, I will include it in my post.

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