Dental problems in kids and their remedies

Dental problems cause even before the teeth start erupting. So, it is very important to take care of the baby’s oral health.

Using of finger brush to clean the gums and tongue after every feed is very much essential. If avoided for a long time then the child can cause oral thrush.

For problem oral health, brush your child twice a day. Proper brushing of teeth is a must. 

Along with proper brushing, washing the mouth and spitting toothpaste is very essential after brushing

 I was unaware of other dental problems until I met my friend who shared her daughter's dental problem with me. She said I brush her every day still she had caused the fluorosis problem but was not knowing what to do and how it occurred.

I thought about it and researched the problem, I found many important things which many mothers are unaware of and I think they should know about the proper oral health of their children.

It is very normal and does not cause any serious problems but you should take care of it for the child’s proper dental health.

De calcification:

It is the problem in which the minerals (calcium and phosphorus) are lost from the child’s teeth.

Decalcification occurs in various stages:

1. Fluorosis:

The kids below 8 years get this problem. Usually on milk teeth.

The reason for fluorosis to occur is:

  • Using fluoride toothpaste for kids(usually when kids swallow the toothpaste while brushing).

2. Enamel Hypoplasia:

Similar to fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia occurs at the early stage(kids below 8 years or on milk teeth).

The decaying of teeth is severe in this stage due to avoiding fluorosis for a long time.

3. Carious Lesions:

A chalky white spot is one of the earliest indications of various lesions.

This stage of decalcification is visible before any cavitation takes place. 

Causes of decalcification:

  1. Consuming carbonated drinks.
  2. Sugary drinks or snacks help bacteria form acids.
  3. Not brushing teeth twice a day
  4. Not brushing long enough, you must brush at least for 2 minutes!
  5. Fluorosis occurs due to using high fluoride toothpaste or not properly cleaning the mouth after brushing. 

How to get rid of decalcification?

Once decalcification occurs it cannot be completely removed but can be lessened or stopped from occurring.

  • Proper diet, limit sugary snacks and acidic drinks

  • Proper daily brushing.

  • Drink plenty of water, it helps dilute the acidic environment.

  • Use fluoride-free toothpaste for kids( I use meemee strawberry flavour fluoride-free toothpaste for my daughter)

I hope my post will help you in some way. 

Don’t be stressed if the problem is severe please talk to the dentist to avoid major dental problems.

Eat healthily, and stay healthy. Take care!

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