Are you Fussy mommy? How to deal with it?

 Due to everyday hectic schedules, mommies are becoming very fussy.

I too become fussy at times. 

The reason may be due to workload or baby not listening or we are not able to convince or whatever.

The result of fussiness is a 'fussy baby'.

How to handle your mood?

Ask for help if you are not able to do so, becoming fussy will only hurt you.

I know, handling work(job), household and baby is not an easy task but finding the solution is what you need rather than becoming fussy.

Meditation is the best way to keep you calm. Try it every morning for at least 15 minutes and I must say it helps you all day long(Personal experience).

Keep yourself busy with the things you love (working all day won't stress you more than being idle for a long time).

Reason for fussiness and their solution(as per my experience): 

  • Baby not having food properly:

         This was my major reason for fussiness, at times I would scold my toddler but then realised, she is too small to understand all these things. 
     I slowly started taking her to open space while having her food(terrace or window). I feed her while talking to her(this is to be done right from when you start semi-solids and solids). 

Tip: This was the reason I missed when starting her first food. So, please always talk to the baby when feeding(stories, rhymes or anything which will interest your baby and she will have her food without fussiness).

  • Baby crying a lot:

         Always remember the only way of baby's communicate with you is by CRYING. I know when you are not able to understand your baby's cry you may become fussy.
     It will take time for first-time mommies to understand the baby's cry but you can keep trying. If you think, you are not able to find them talk to someone for help. Ask other recent mommies if they can help you.
   Infants cry if they cause gas, colic or if they are hungry.
   If your toddler baby cries on every other thing, talk to them. Explain to them that if they need anything they should speak up and not simply cry. Crying won't get the things. Most mommies (I have seen), scold while saying these things which may negatively impact and cause kids to become fussy too.

  • Baby's tantrums:

       If toddlers need something they start doing tantrums(they learn from seeing someone). They will throw things, cry or do something wrong to seek your attention and get the thing they need.
    Always listen to what your baby wants but never fulfil every other demand. Don't let them do tantrums to seek your attention. If you are busy, tell them to wait and when you are done get to them if they want to speak. 
   Handling a kid's tantrum is not an easy task, I go through it every day 😒 but being fussy is never a solution to trying to divert their minds on some other thing. Once they understand I am not getting things even after going through all the tantrums they will slowly stop doing it.
 Every child is different don't compare your kid with other kids.

  •    Workload(not able to manage):
     Handling everything for a single person is impossible. Ask for help if you are not able to handle your work and baby.
    Even if you are on maternity leave, handling a baby is a huge task. If you are in a nuclear family and there is no one to help, managing the household and baby can make you fussy. 
  Fussiness can lead to stress and depression. 

Are you going through postpartum depression? Here's the solution to it.

My thought:

Teaching our kids what is wrong and what is right doesn't make us fussy. If your think it is wrong for your child then stand for it. 
Inculcating good habits in kids from an early age doesn't mean you are over-reactive or fussy. 
Get it clear that being possessive for a child's good is not fussiness. Fussy simply means getting irritated on small things ( If a kid is messing while playing then being fussy here is wrong but for not keeping the things you can explain to them to do their work) both are completely different things.

Keep reading!
Please share your experience of fussiness in the comment section. Let us help each other to have stress-free parenting.

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