Wearing Diaper. Is it good or bad?

2-month-old wearing diaper

Today with the busy life, the diaper has made the parent's work quite easier, especially for working mommies.

For 2months, I have been wearing diapers for my daughter. Although I am not a working woman, handling everyday household chores along with a baby is quite difficult.

Also, during the rainy season diapers make the work easier. My daughter was born during the rainy season and I must say, no matter how many nappies you buy and use, it is always fewer during the rainy season. So, diapers help a lot.

This is not a sponsored post and I have just written it to help mommies if they are stuck with the decision of using diapers.

I use pampers premium diapers for my daughter. They are very soft and fits comfortable.

Some Precautions:

Check the diaper is full. Change immediately if you feel it's heavier. A wet diaper can cause rashes.

Use soft and comfortable fitting diapers. Always check what suits yourbaby'sy skin.

Apply diaper rash cream, if caused rashes.

My story:

I started using diapers for my daughter after a month as I was scared of whether it is good or not. 

But as I said my work was doubling due to the rainy season and clothes were not drying. So, I had to opt for diapers. It was my best decision.

After one year I stopped using diapers during the daytime, as I was potty training her. 

Today, at2 yearss when she is completely potty trained, I use diapers only when I take her out. 

How to potty train your kid? My daughter is potty trained today. I will write in my next post how I did it. I used no potty seat, just by explaining to her.

Using diapers is not bad but can cause harm if not taken proper care of.

I hope this post helps you. Keep reading. Share your experiences and views to help you and others too.

Happy parenting❤.

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