Vitamins and minerals for kids

 Vitamins and minerals are some essentials needed for the proper development and growth of our body.

If kids don't get enough vitamins and minerals, it can cause deficiency.

It is very important to give food which contains vitamins and minerals instead of SUPPLEMENTS.

Our body needs a small number of vitamins and minerals which can be gained from a variety of foods including in our diet.

Essential Vitamins for Proper Development:

1. Vitamin A:

  • For proper development of eyesight, skin and good immunity.
  • Carrots, sweet potatoes, meat, liver, egg, milk and oranges are rich in vitamin A.

2. Vitamin B(B1, B2, B3, B6, B12):

  • For proper development of the nervous system, energy and brain development.
  • Eggs, fish, milk, wholegrain, meat, cheese and nuts are rich in vitamin B.

3. Vitamin C:

  • For absorbing iron from food and helping fight against infections. Help keep bones, teeth and gums healthy.
  • Fruits(especially citrus fruits) and vegetables(capsicum and potatoes).

4. Vitamin D:

  • Vitamin D absorbs calcium for healthy bones and teeth. 
  • From direct sunlight and a very small amount of fish liver oil, egg yolk, and mushroom.

5. Vitamin E:

  • For the healthy development of skin and eyes. It also improves the immune system.
  • From sunflower oil and nuts.

6. Vitamin K:

  • Helps to clot the blood.
  • From leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach to eggs and beans.

Essential Minerals for Proper Development:

1. Iron:

  • Iron is especially important for brain function and RBC production, and it also helps carry oxygen around the body.
  • From meat, liver, chicken, seafood, dried beans, and egg yolks.

2. Calcium:

  • For strong bones and teeth.
  • From milk, cheese, tofu and yoghurt, fish like sardines and salmon, and green leafy vegetables.

3. Iodine:

  • For normal growth and tissue development 
  • From salt and seafood.

4. Zinc:

  • Zinc helps with healing wounds and proper immune system function.
  • From meat, chicken, seafood, milk, tofu and wholegrain cereals. 

5. Potassium :

  • Potassium helps regulate the balance of fluids in the body and also plays a critical role in maintaining blood pressure.
  •  Rock salt contains potassium, give your child fruits with rock salt sprinkled on them or rock salt in juices but not always. Note: remember anything in excess is harmful.
  •  Coconut water also contains potassium. so, sometimes that can be included. Every day coconut water can cause high potassium levels which can cause kidney problems.
  • Watermelon, raw spinach, milk and potato also contain potassium.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals:

1. Vitamin B:

  • Vitamin(B12)- Anaemia.

2. Vitamin D: 

  • Rickets and bone disease.

3. Iron:

  • Iron deficiency can cause tiredness, lack of concentration and pale skin. Kids who don't eat a proper diet or a variety of foods can cause iron deficiency.

4. Calcium:

  • rickets and osteoporosis.

5. Iodine:

  • Goitre 

6. Zinc:

  • toddlers who have a limited diet for a long time, as well as those who eat a vegetarian diet, are most likely to not get enough zinc. A zinc deficiency can slow down a child’s growth.

7. Potassium:

  • High blood pressure can lead to heart disease.
If your kid is not eating well, give them time but you don't stop. 
Today at 24 months my daughter is finally having a balanced diet🥰. Keep trying and it will happen. 

Avoid junk food. Eat healthily, and stay healthy.

I hope it helps you. Keep reading.

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