Teaching kids about the harmful objects

 I think every parent should make their kids aware of harmful objects like knives, scissors, sharp objects, glass objects and objects which can harm them from an early age.

If mistakenly your kid takes a sharp object, never scold them or snatch from them that might hurt them instead explain to them that if not handled properly then it can hurt them(also, they are very small to use them) and ask them to return it.

I many times do it when my daughter accidentally takes a knife or scissors. She knows it hurts and so she without any problem returns me.

Also, introduce kids to hot objects and ask them to stay away from them. 

Explain to kids by showing videos if they are not understanding what you want to explain to them.

While having tea, I tell my daughter, 'shivaanshi, don't touch it, it's very hot and can hurt you". She is 2 years old but understand it very well, and says "Mumma, it hurts. Hmmm".

Always keep in mind, that every kid is different if my daughter is understanding and yours is not then it's completely fine. Keep trying. Keep teaching them what is right and what is wrong.

Don't simply scold them on every small thing, instead explain to them why you want them to not do it.

Kids are smart enough now, they know everything but sometimes purposely try to do it to annoy you😜. Don't be fuzzy, explain them in their way of understanding. (only you can know about your child better).

One day shivaanshi got hurt on her head from the corner of the side table, she cried a lot but I cuddled her and tried to massage her. In a while she was fine. She that time realised why Mumma used to tell me, "come to this side it will hurt you." Since that day she is always alert while going on that side. 

Some kids keep it in mind when facing the incident once while others don't. Some listen to you, some don't. Some don't understand easily, and some do. Every child is different. Act according to your child.

Safety from harmful objects (pros and cons):


1. Corner safeguard:
   To avoid hitting from sharp and pointed corners. As infants are very small to understand what will hurt them and if no one is there to be with the kid when you are not around then please use this.

2. Drawer locks:
     I don't know how but infants learn to open the drawers and throw all the stuff out😒. To not overload your work you can use them but from my experience I can say, kids, open the drawer even after locking them😶 kids these days have superpowers🤪🤣.

3. Cabinet locks:
      To avoid kids from opening the cabinets and hurting themselves.

Tip: use them to avoid major injury but don't forget to teach kids about what is harmful and need to stay away.


If everything is safe all around, kids when growing up won't understand whether the object hurts or not. Along with using all the products from above always keep explaining to kids about safety and harmful things not to scare them but make them aware.
It is very important to do because outside it won't be safe all around and so they need to be prepared for all the things.

I have never used any of the products from above as I or anyone from my family was always around her. If you are alone then use them, they will help you very much. 

Enjoy parenting! Keep reading and supporting. 

Feel free to write your views in the comment section. Do write about your experience of kids with harmful objects and how you deal with them. 

This will help other moms to be alert and not repeat the mistake we did.

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