Why are some kids scared of new people?

Happy in her alone space

 It is because they don't know the person and some kids don't easily get attached to anyone except very close ones.

My niece who is 3 years old when a new person comes in (especially one whose voice is harsh or screams or looks dangerous(for them)😜)she hides or doesn't reply at all. 

Some kids enjoy being with few people and so if any new one comes they scare or don't like at all.

It is ok if your kid is one of them. Every child cannot mix up quickly. some take time, give them their time.

If your kid doesn't have a habit of being with many people they will do this. Give them time don't force them.

My Story:

When shivaanshi's age was to play in public due to this pandemic we got locked up at home and so, she saw only 4-5 faces 24×7. The first time when I took her to the garden she was 18 months old, as only a few people used to come into the garden due to covid, she had no problem but when months passed and the situation was going ok people started coming out. This created problem for my daughter, it was obvious seeing only a few people all these months and suddenly so many around.

Whenever I took her out when many people were there she was ok but if someone would come to talk or one who comes to play near her(even kids), she used to hold me tight and would cry until they go.
I explained it to her but she was too small to understand it. 

I still used to take her out, and show other kids playing together then slowly she started to mix with kids she was comfortable with. I was ok with it as she tried to play with a new kid.

Now, she is 23 months old and quite comfortable in public and still choosy about people she wants to mix with. I know she will take time to adjust and I am ok with it, no matter what others think of her nature. 

Solution for it:

Make them a habit by taking them in public spaces. Seeing you talking and mixing they will learn it.

Take them to the garden and allow them to mix up. They will take time but slowly they will love in public.

Please don't force kids, every child is different in their way. Don't agitate if your kid is taking time instead support them, they will be the best people to mix with when they grow up 

 Keep reading my blog and enjoy stress-free parenting🥰.

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