Kids development by various activities and toys

All the activities newborns do are new to them so they keep learning and exploring. 

It may be kicking, sucking, rolling or even smiling.

Only make sure the environment and toys kids are using are safe for them. Always be around if given any toy for infants.

1. Playing with Rattles:

 Keep near them and they will try to hold them. This will help in developing hand-eye coordination.

My daughter playing with a rattle for the first time at 2.5 months:

2. Dangling toys in the play gym:

It will help develop their visual skills. The rattles hung up will help them search for sound. They will try touching it with their legs.

My daughter kicking the hanging rattle at 3.5 months:

3. Talking and singing for kids:

They will enjoy it when you sing for them and see them giggle you will love it♥.

It is just to keep your baby happy and enjoy. Not related to intellectual. 

My daughter smiled when I was trying to talk to her at 2.8 months:

4. Exploring the body parts:

 let them do this. As they are keen to know about everything they will put it in their mouth and find what it is. 
I had asked my paediatrician about the baby sucking the fingers and toes, she said it's completely normal and doesn't stop her. Let her explore. Let her find what it is. 
One of the most important developments of the baby.

My daughter sucking her leg at 4 months:

5. Moving toys:

Helps improve motor skills. Introduce such types of toys as early as possible but always be around them when you give them.

My daughter trying to catch the toy dog with her leg😁 at 4.5 months:

6. Balloons and balls:

Kids hold, kick and love playing with balloons🎈 and balls 🏀. 

My daughter played with a balloon for the first time and she loved it:

7. Interactive playmats:

They will try catching the animals and birds or any character on the mat.
This will help them in early crawling too.
Exploring things and enjoying.

My daughter exploring the animals and trying to crawl:

8. Tearing paper:

The best activity to improve hand-eye coordination. Allow them to do this.

My daughter tearing paper at 8 months:

9. Sorting:

The most important activity for toddlers. Helps intellectual development.

My daughter sorting different types of pulses or legumes (doing smart work😛):

10. Artwork:

It's rightly said- "Imagination is better than knowledge."

Art is about creativity and imagination. Allow kids to do it to improve their imagination. 

Let kids scribble and draw. Give them crayons and pencils to do it. Later as they grow you can give the paints for finger painting.
Kids love doing art. My daughter loves it too♥.

My daughter and niece scribbling🥰:

11. Playing with kitchen set:

This will make them aware of household chores. They will help you with your chores too.
I feel it's not a gender role to work in the kitchen so both girls and boys need to teach to play with it.

My daughter playing with the kitchen set :

12. Playing with tangram puzzle:

One of the best activities for kids. 
I gifted it to my daughter on her 2nd birthday. She is too small to understand but she is trying to learn by seeing me.

It helps in shape and colour recognition. Also improves thinking ability and helps in brain development.

 My daughter playing with a tangram puzzle to make a square:

13. Book reading:

The picture book is the best way to introduce kids to the surrounding things. Get it for your kids as early as possible. I gave it to my baby at 11-12 months but try giving it early and read things for them.

Now that she is speaking I got another book for her to read. 
I feel teaching in the mother tongue is the best but you can do it as per your choice.

My daughter reading in Marathi:

I hope it helps keep your baby happy and also develop 🥰♥. They are very small to be educated, let them explore, learn and enjoy. Learning is to be enjoyed and not compelled.

Keep reading🥰.

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