Is it safe to put newborn in a crib?

Yes, it is safe to put a newborn in a crib. 

My daughter from the day she was born until 7–8 months used to sleep in the crib.

My daughter was in the crib at 4th month

Some prefer keeping babies in the crib at night time too but I used to make my daughter sleep with me at night time. For a few months, the baby wakes at night time for feeds and we need to keep changing the nappies.


  • Keep the surface flat and comfortable in the crib. 
  • Always keep an eye on the baby when placed in the crib.
  • Do not keep the baby all day in the crib. I used to keep my baby in the crib only while
  • Do not place many toys in the crib and avoid giving blankets. (if giving a blanket then keep an eye on the baby).
I hope it helps you. Keep reading and please do comment.

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