Will 3rd wave of covid-19 harm kids?

 We all are aware of the 3rd wave of Covid-19. Recently the most headed Newsline is that it is going to come in India and most harmful to kids.

Are you worried about your kids? Many questions might be surrounded you. 

Is it harmful to kids? What can be done to help?

As it is relating to our kids I did not want to post incorrect information or things I am unsure about.

I am not an expert nor experienced in the medical field but from the information I got through my close ones, I wrote this post.

No one in my circle whose kids are below 12 years is being affected by the coronavirus. Neither the adults nor the kids.

Will it affect kids?

"AIIMS director Dr Randeep Guleria has said there is not enough evidence that the third wave is going to predominantly affect the children. 
The ace receptors to which the virus binds itself to the human cells are relatively less in children as compared to adults, he said."

The things are not yet clarified. Everyone is unsure about it but the only thing which is in our hands right now is taking precautions and not ignoring even small things.


The 3rd wave is less affected kids (as said by Dr Randeep Guleria)that don't mean you will be careless. 

If kids are affected by the virus their condition doesn't worse than in adults. So, if in case your kids are affected they will show only minor symptoms(cold, fever, etc). Don't ignore it. As it can harm other adults in the family. 

What precautions need to be taken for kids?

  • Whenever going in public wear the MASK.
  • Avoid going in public if it's not important.
  • If a cold, cough or fever is there immediately talk to your doctor. Be alert don't ignore even a small thing.
  • Don't give any medication without a doctor's supervision.
  • Try giving food that builds immunity. 
Covid-19 is dangerous if we ignore small things. Take precautions. Stay in contact with your family doctor. 

If found minor symptoms then stay quarantined until you recover. 

Take care of yourself to protect your family.

Stay home, stay safe.
Wear a mask, and wash your hands regularly. 
Avoid going in public unnecessarily.

I am not an expert but through the information I gathered I found this. I hope it might help you. 
Please share your views in the comment section.

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Kids not wearing masks? How do convince them?

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