Wearing mask for kids

 As in this pandemic situation where MASK is the most important and compulsory wear, I thought why not write a post on it as I have seen many moms complaining about "He or she is not wearing the mask" or "Removes the mask several times."

According to my knowledge, the reason behind it might be that they are unaware of why we are wearing the mask. What is this coronavirus? How it will harm them? and How will the mask protect them?

For kids above 5 years;

  • Explain to them about the coronavirus.
  • Show them an animated video about how it enters the body and slowly harms us.
  • Tell them that there is a way to stay away from this virus.

    1. Wear Mask properly.
    2. Keep washing hands with hand wash.
    3. Use sanitiser whenever needed.
    4. Keep social distance.

  • Tell them the benefit of doing this. (Protect yourself to protect your family). 


Before teaching your kids, you should be aware of it. 

Wear the mask properly and always wear it whenever going out.

Do not remove the mask, while talking to someone. (not even our close ones). 

Not wearing a mask is harming your loved ones too. Some people think all this is fake and we don't need a mask to protect ourselves.

Avoid going out unnecessarily.

Kids learn by seeing their parents and if you don't follow it then no use in forcing your kids.

For kids below 5 years;

It is very difficult to explain why we are wearing the mask but whenever you take them out in public, wear the mask. This will make a habit for them.

Wear an attractive cotton mask for toddlers. If they love some cartoon character they will wear that mask. Cotton masks are breathable and hence, kids won't remove them.

If they try to remove them when you are out don't scold them. Ask them to wear it again as it can harm them.

Slowly they will get the habit of it and will wear it properly. 

I wear my mask properly always and to my daughter also. She loves wearing masks. When I first time wore the mask, we had a selfie. She loved her mask and so never removes it.

If sometimes she tries to remove it, I tell her strong girls, to wear the mask. See, I am also wearing and pulling her mask up. She never touches it again to remove it🥰. Find a way to convince your kids rather than being cranky all time.

Never scold kids if they are not listening instead explain to them or convince them.

Are your kids wearing kids? If not, try this way and don't forget to share your views on smhaskar2209@gmail.com or simply post a comment below. 

Keep reading! 
Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay home.
Take care!

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