Sleeping Patterns in Babies

Along with proper food and play, sleep is also one of the most essential things for the proper growth of the baby.

As in the womb, babies are unaware of day and night, for a few months or a year some babies might sleep most of the time in the day and wake at night(a big problem for all mommies and daddies😝) while some follow the same pattern like adults but might wake for feeds and potty(every 2-3 hours).

If the baby's tummy is full they play and sleep properly otherwise they become fussy.

Some babies cry due to colic or gas problems also. Understand the cry of your baby. If the baby is fussy don't get upset, cuddle your baby. Sometimes baby needs just love and care while we think that something is paining or they are hungry or sleepy.

Sometimes baby just wants to play and they don't understand whether it's nighttime or day(usually happens in the early few months). The best way to deal with this problem is to make a pattern for babies. Slowly they will adjust with your timings. 

Sleeping patterns:

Usually, An adult needs 8-9 hours of sleep but a newborn needs 12 hours of complete sleep and 2-3 hours of nap(sleep during day time). Note: Naps for infants should be 2-4 times.

If the baby is sleeping 9-10 hours in day time then it's obvious they will wake during the night. They can't sleep 24 hours 😹.

During the day when the baby is taking nap, after 2-3 hours wake them for feed and play. (Never think they are sleeping how to wake) this will make trouble for you only. As I said they don't understand day and night so you need to make them understand and then after a few months you will see they are following your pattern.

At 11-12 months, the baby will decrease the naps(only 2 naps in the day). My daughter is 21 months old and now she is completely following a regular pattern.
 Sleep:11 hours
Nap:2-3 hours (1 or sometimes 2 times but then the hours she sleeps varies).
Note: The more baby sleeps at night is best for them. Try to sleep with them, this will slowly make a routine for them.

How to make a baby wake to feed?

When I was in hospital my doctor told me, "wake your baby and feed her. 
As babies are new to this pattern they won't be able to wake on their own(they think as if they are in the womb only)". 
I was not knowing how to wake her. So, the nurse showed me. She pressed her leg's thumb and make her wake. I was shocked for the first time as my daughter started crying but then the nurse hugged her and guess what she was fine. Then she told me to feed her.

My baby sleep pattern:

This is just for your understanding and not to follow the same. As every baby is different, don't force them. Slowly they will adjust with you. 

The good thing is that my daughter never woke up at night for play. One of the reasons is I always used to feed her before sleep and make her "burp". Burping will not lead to colic problems and so the baby will sleep properly.

The timing for starting a few months will differ but the hours should not differ. If today she sleeps at 8:30 pm and wakes up at 9 am it's ok if she sleeps at 9 pm and wakes at 9:30 am. The important thing is hours of sleep which is proper in both cases. 

During the early months:

In the daytime: 

Wake up: 7 am
Feed:1 hour
Play: 2 hours
Wake up: 1 pm or sometimes 1:30 pm
Feed: 1-2 hours
Play:2-3 hours
Nap: 4:30 pm
Wake up: 6:30 pm
Feed: 1-2 hours
Play:1-2 hours
Sleep: 8 pm or 8:30 pm

At night time:

Wake: 1:30 am or 2 am
Feed and potty:1hour
Sleep: 2:30 am or 3 am
Wake: 5 am
Feed and potty:1 hour
Sleep: 6 am
Wake: 7 am (regular daytime cycle)

Note: The timings used to vary every day for a few months but the hours were the same.

Things to be noted:

As for the early few months, the baby will wake for feeds at night time and also you need to keep on changing nappies (Keeping nappy for a long time can cause rashes).
So, take a rest whenever possible. Sleep when your baby sleeps. 

Now here the daddies need to be at work too. Help each other with stress-free parenting. If mommy is exhausted then daddies should handle babies. 

Don't get cranky otherwise, babies will do the same. No matter how tired you are always be happy with your baby. Actually when a baby is around you forget all your stress and pain🥰.

If the baby is crying, understand the reason for the cry. For first-time mommies, it's difficult but as you go further you will come to know the different types of cries. If you are unable to understand then ask someone for help otherwise forcing on something can make babies cranky.

Allow the baby to play for 2-3 hours. Play with them, talk to them. Sing rhymes or songs. Don't keep the baby in the cradle all time. Keep them in their tummy for some time. Keep toys nearby for them to play with.

Before sleeping at night time always feed and burp your baby. Dim the lights and play silent music(if you want) to make the baby sleep. Always make baby sleep with you and not in the cradle(I used to do this to keep on checking nappies). If the cradle is attached to the bed then you can keep the baby in the cradle at night time also.

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you are facing a problem with your baby's sleeping pattern even after trying my ideas. 
Contact me at or share your views in the comment section.

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