Two month pregnant

 The second Month of Pregnancy is a very crucial stage of Pregnancy as from this month the small blood cell(Poppy seed size foetus) will start forming into an Embryo Form. 

 2nd month starts from the 5th week and ends in the 8th week.

Second Month Baby (Embryo is an unborn offspring (baby) in the process of development.

  • At around 6 weeks foetus(baby) will start developing the head,tail,eye bud,arm bud and leg bud.

  • At around 8 weeks(end of 2nd month), the baby will look more like a human. Fingers and toes will start forming.

  • The tail will disappear during the 8th week.

  • The amniotic sac is the fluid-filled sac to protect the baby in the uterus.

  • The yolk sac provides nutrition to the embryo until the placenta is developed. The yolk sac is visible after 5 and a half or 6 weeks.

Symptoms of 2nd Month Pregnancy:

This month also the symptoms will be as the previous month rather it may worsen😓.

A few more symptoms can be:

Food aversions: Some food or even odour can make you feel nauseous. It's ok if your taste has changed😛. If nausea causes much discomfort to talk to your doctor.

Constipation: Constipation can be due to the progesterone hormone. It is much more common in Pregnancy as your iron intake will be increasing. Stay hydrated and eat more fibrous foods (Beans, broccoli, apple, berries etc).

Bloating: Excess gas can cause bloating. To avoid it take a walk after having food, do yoga, and drink plenty of water.

Sore and Tender Breast: It is much more common during 1st trimester. The breast will be sensitive and tender when touched. It is due to the increased level of progesterone hormone. The breast will keep on changing throughout the Pregnancy for preparing Colostrum(the Baby's first food).

Symptoms can vary for every woman. If any of the symptoms cause health issues for you please talk to your doctor because you need to be healthy to deliver a healthy baby.

As Pregnancy progresses, your body will keep on changing.

Precautions during First Trimester (1st, 2nd and 3rd Month)...Read more

Medicines will be the same as the First Month:

  • shell HD
  • Dexorange Syrup or Raricap

  • Protein powder in milk

Implantation Bleeding:

  • Implantation Bleeding is spotting(as at the end of periods) during the first trimester.

  • The spotting will be light in Colour and different from that of regular periods.

Note: If bleeding is heavy then please immediately visit your doctor.

  • If the doctor finds any problem immediately sonography will be done.

Which Foods are to be taken and to be Avoided during the First Trimester?

Note: If you anytime feel something is wrong with your body then immediately call or visit your doctor. Don't wait for a routine check-up.

Eat healthily, and stay healthy!!!!

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