Twin Pregnancy

Twin Pregnancy will be same as a single fetal Pregnancy.

The ultrasound is the only way you can know that you are conceiving multiples or not. 

At 10-12 weeks(3rd month), you can have your ultrasound to see how many fetus, placenta and amniotic sac you are carrying.

Twin Pregnancy is likely to be more complicated. So, doctor's recommend more checkups and ultrasound than single fetal Pregnancy.

When you know that you are pregnant with twins, the joy multiples but you need to take extra care and be alert especially if it is your first Pregnancy and you are having any complications.

Twins deliver earlier than single Pregnancy. No twin Pregnancy last more than 37 weeks. So, if your are conceiving Twins then be ready for premature babies.

Types of Twin Pregnancy:

1. Fraternal twins or non-identical:

  • In this type, two eggs are released and they meet two different sperms
  • Fraternal twins have separate placentas, amniotic sac and umbilical cord. 
  • It’s generally recommended that you have ultrasounds at 12-13 weeks, 20 weeks, and then every four weeks until your babies are born. You might have more frequent ultrasounds than this.
  • This type of twin Pregnancy is less complicated.
  • These type of twins rarely look similar. They might have different eye colour or hair colour or even skin colour.
  • They can be of opposite sex(brother and sister) or even same sex.

Note: In this type, very rarely babies share the same placenta.

2. Identical Twins:

  • In this type, only a single egg release but it splits and then meet the sperms.
  • In this type, some babies have separate placenta , umbilical cord and amniotic sac. Some have separate amniotic sac and umbilical cord but share the placenta while some share both placenta and amniotic sac.
  • A twin pregnancy with babies sharing one placenta might be more complicated, so it’s generally recommended that you have ultrasounds about every two weeks from 12 weeks.
  • A twin Pregnancy with babies sharing amniotic sac might also be complicated as the chances of tangling of umbilical cord is high which can stop the supply of blood to babies if the cord cuts off. These type are also checked more closely.
  • Identical twins look similar. They have the chances of getting same illness. (My sister in law's twins)

Twin Babies:

The baby growth from 1st month to end will be same as single fetal Pregnancy.

If your babies are sharing the placenta, the chances of getting more or less blood supply to the babies. This will lead sometimes to one baby weaker than the another or smaller in weight.

If you are pregnant with twins, your bump will be more visible than one with single baby.

 Take extra care of yourself, eat healthy and go for regular checkups and ultrasounds.

Note: The symptoms will be same as single fetal Pregnancy but due to two babies it may be worse in some cases. Don't worry ,take care of yourself. Don't compare yourself with anyone as I always say every woman is different and hence, the Pregnancy will also be different.

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