Trying to conceive?

Wait!!! Check with the following questions first:

  • Have you discussed it with your partner? Is he ready too?

  • Are you both mentally prepared? Because having a child is the most important decision of your life.

  • Have you started saving money? These days having a baby is also expensive😶

  • Have you checked with your health problems?

  • Have you talked to someone who has a baby to get an idea of how the phase will be after you conceive?

If your answers to all the above questions is YES,then you are ready to have a BABY.

Congratulations for your decision and very good luck to both of you.

You should know before conceiving:

  1. MENSTRUAL CYCLE:Are your periods Regular? If not, check with a gynaecologist. If your periods are regular then track your start and end date (note it for 2-3 months before trying to conceive). It will be easier for you to know your MENSTRUAL CYCLE(the first day of your period till the first day of your next period. Eg: if my period starts on 28/10 and next period starts on 29/11 then my cycle will be of 32 days). Cycle varies for every women. i.e. 25-32 days(normal)but it can be shortest of 21days and longest of 40 days also as every women is different.
  2. OVULATION: It is the process in which an egg is released from ovaries and pass through fallopian tube where fertilization by a sperm may occur. An ovulation last for 24 hours only and occurs after 10-16 days after your periods start date. The below link will help you find your ovulation date. Ovulation Calculator. Few symptoms of ovulation are mild cramps,vaginal discharge,pain on sides. Notice these symptoms and have sex during these days(2-3 days prior ovulation, on ovulation and 2-3 days after ovulation). This will increase the chances of yours to conceive. Even after trying for 2-3 months you are not conceiving then don't worry as egg stays only for 24 hours it's difficult but not impossible. Keep trying.
  3. De-stress: Stress is one of the reason for imbalance in hormonal level and thus leads to irregular period and menstrual cycle. Eat healthy and be stress free. Men too need to be stress free as his health is equally responsible for couple to conceive. 

Drinking and smoking of couple need to be stopped before conceiving. This will not only delay in conceiving but also if conceived can be harmful for baby.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stage of your life. Giving birth to a baby is most precious gift God has given to every women which is indirectly relating to men as well. So, please enjoy your pregnancy. 

Every women is different. So, journey to have a baby will also be different. If your relative had problems in pregnancy don't think you will also face same. Instead learn from their problems and mistakes rather than being negative. This will not only harm you but your unborn baby too.

Stay healthy, Eat healthy and Enjoy 


I will share my experience,problems and fun I had during my pregnancy.

I hope you enjoyed Reading!!

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