Three Month Pregnant

Wow!!!! Finally Embryo will look more like a human in this month.

Third month starts at 9th week and ends at 12th week.

External sex organs will develop during this month.

This month you need to be extra careful as chances of miscarriage are high in this Trimester (1st,2nd and 3rd Month). 

First time mom or underweight mom will not show their BUMP until 5-6 months but every women's body is different.So, Bump might be big or small. Please do not compare yourself with anyone. 

Note: If your bump is small that not at all means your baby is underweight. Being first time mom, your abdominal muscles have not stretched before so it may be tight or your body structure may be the reason for small Bump.

During my first Pregnancy,my bump was very small(hardly anybody could know that Iam pregnant even in 7th month) while in my second Pregnancy from 3rd month my bump was so big that everyone thought lam conceiving Twins😜). So, do not compare yourself with anybody.

Enjoy changes in your body(from next month, externally you will notice many changes🥰).

Third Month Baby (Fetus):

At 9-10 weeks
  • baby will look like a human. It will be size of 1-1.5 inches.
  • Fingers and toes will be fully developed during this month.(no webbed fingers and toes any more).
  • The umbilical cord will be connected from abdomen of baby to the placenta.
  • Placenta will from now carry all the nutrients and oxygen to the baby and also take away the waste from Fetus.

At 11-12 weeks,

  •  baby will be measured from top(head) to bottom(buttocks). It is said Crown-Rump Length (CRL).
  • Bones will start hardening during this week.
  • Kidneys will start making urine.
  • Skin and finger nails will start growing.

Precautions during First Trimester (1st, 2nd and 3rd Month)...Read more

  • Stretch marks appears due to stretching of your skin. They do not appear until 5th month but you need to take care even before they appear as after stretch marks start coming, doing anything will take time to go or will not go. ( Prevention is always better can cure).
  • Keep your skin moisturized using any moisturizing ointment(my gynaecologist had prescribed Efatol Pe ointment, it is very effective).Start applying from 3rd-4th month so that stretch marks will not appear at all( my personal experience). Note: Do not scratch your skin. Whenever you feel itchy clean your bump and apply ointment. 

Note: Internally your body is facing many changes. hence, you will feel exhausted. So, have frequent small meals and drink lots and lots of water. 

Medicines will be same as First Month and second Month:

  1. ShelCal HD
  2. Dexorange Syrup or Raricap
  3. Protein powder in milk

Symptoms of 3rd Month Pregnancy:

The symptoms will continue same as in 1st Month and 2nd Month

Note: If your health is not good due to nausea, PLEASE talk to your doctor. It is common to feel nauseous but your baby's health is dependent on your. So, take care of yourself.

Eat healthy,stay healthy!!

Take care of you and your baby❤️.

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