Table Manners for kids

Table manners are very important for every kid.

Table manners are good habits and etiquettes while having the food.

Table manners should be taught to kids as early as possible.

Inculcating good manners in kids is not done in seconds and So, you need to be patient while teaching them to your kid. 

If you becoming angry while teaching, then they will copy you and become angry instead of what you want them to learn.

Keep trying and they will learn. As I always say kids learn when they see you doing. If you have a bad manner then I must say stop them otherwise in few days they will be your Carbon copy. (You need to think your kid should be your good copy or bad copy).

Table manners for younger kids:

Teach them to wash their hands before and after having the food.

Ask them to pass things if they need anything. 

Keep a habit of saying "please" and "thank you", whenever they need help.

No matter where kids are having their food, they should respect the food.

Teach them to never say "yuck" to someone else food. It's ok if they don't like it, they can say "no, thank you".

Teach them to pick up the plate and place it in the washbasin after having the food.

Table manners for elder kids:

Ask kids to help you or anybody with getting the dining ready.

Teach them to ask for passing things, if they(kids) need anything. They should never try to take it on their own.

Pick up the plate and clean it after having the food.


Table manners need to be taught to every kid and not just girls. 

Many of the adults are also not having table manners. I feel it is very important to have table manners. Learn yourself first to teach your kids. 
Also, we teach girls about table manners and not boys. It is wrong. Everyone should clean their plate, help in getting dining ready, etc.
 There is nothing about gender role in doing your work or helping anyone. 

My daughter is 20 months old and sometimes she eats her food by herself. Sometimes she helps me in getting ready for dining. Sometimes she picks up her plate after having food. 
All these things I have not taught her, she sees us doing and copy them.
I know she is very small to understand the table manners but if she loves doing it then I think stopping her now will make her confuse later.
(Mumma used to say don't do and now she is scolding me when I don't pick up the plate). 
This is my thought, I don't know I'm correct or not but if she is correct then I should not stop her.

Thank you for Reading.

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I'm not an expert but I hope I might be helpful to you in any way. 

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