Six Months pregnant

Sixth Month starts at 21 weeks and ends at 24 weeks.

Sixth month baby:

At 21 and 22nd week, 

  • baby's CRL will be approximately 7 inches.
  • Lungs will be fully developed during this month.
  • Fingerprints will be formed in these weeks.
  • Taste buds will begin to form.

At 23rd and 24th week, 

  • baby's CRL will be around 8 inches.

  • During this week or at 25-26 weeks, eyelashes and eyebrows will be developed.

Symptoms of Sixth Month Pregnancy:

These will be same as in previous month's. As baby will be growing ,you will feel more exhausted and tired. Keep taking rest whenever possible. 

Baby Movements:

If this is your first pregnancy, you may still be new to the sensation of fetal movement. Soon you will be familiar with your baby’s kicks, jabs, punches, and rolls.😂

You don’t have to officially start counting kicks until 28 weeks, but you should be able to notice a general pattern of when your baby is more active. 

Note: If you do not notice any fetal movement in a whole day, please talk to your doctor. 

Ultrasound (During, Before or After 14-20 Weeks):

nuchal translucency (NT) test:

To check for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities

Women whose screening test revealed a potential problem, who are 35 or older, or who have a family history of certain birth defects should consider it. 

My nuchal translucency ultrasound Report

This test was performed as I had complications in my First Pregnancy. 

Some doctors skip this ultrasound, if they found nothing serious in your family history and your current Pregnancy.

Note: Some people think performing ultrasounds harms your baby, but it is not at all true. According to me, an extra ultrasound will only assure you that you and baby are perfectly fine and nothing else. 

Always Listen to your doctor. If they recommend it, then it is for sure very important and nothing is more expensive than your baby's health. If you want to confirm then you can always talk to your family doctor.

Take Care of yourself to keep your baby healthy.

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