Seven Month Pregnant

Yeahhh!!! You have done it.

 Welcome to the Third phase of your Pregnancy- THIRD TRIMESTER (7th, 8th and 9th Months).

Seventh Month starts at 25 weeks and ends at 28 weeks.

Only 2 months more and then your baby will be in your arms🥰.

Seventh month Baby:

At 25-28 weeks,

  • Baby's CRL will be approximately 9-10 inches.

  • The baby’s brain will fully develop at the end of this month.

  • From this month baby will move often in your tummy. You will notice baby kicks more often from now onwards 😛.

  • The baby’s hearing has developed more. So, You can talk or sing to him. (My personal experience, the songs you hear when baby is in your tummy will be loved by your baby later also 🥰).

  • The baby’s body is almost fully developed by now. The fat will start developing more and more from end of this month.

  • The respiratory system is fully functional in the baby by now.

  • Babies turns in head-down position in preparation for birth and also start to move downward, putting pressure on your bladder(which will lead to frequent urination). This may take some pressure off your lungs, making it a little easier to breathe. 

  • Your baby’s bones are also beginning to harden. The skull, however, remains softer so that the baby can pass through the birth canal.

Symptoms of seventh month Pregnancy:

Symptoms will be same as previous month's with some more added to the list😅

  • Difficulty in walking as your limbs and bladder puts pressure by the growing belly.

  • Back pain due to weight gain.

  • Frequent mood swings. Don’t worry as they are quite normal and happen with all pregnant women.

  • Discomfort or changes while walking. You will walk slow, and your legs will automatically part as you walk, to support your belly.

  • Abdominal discomfort and frequent contractions will become a part of your routine.

Important things to be noted:

  • If tummy becomes more hard and pains then check with your doctor. When baby moves there are movements and tummy is hard but if you feel something different always talk to someone experienced or doctor. 

(In my first Pregnancy, I had contractions more often , tummy becomes very hard like baby is pushing to come out. I always said to my doctor but when she checked me everything was alright even the baby heartbeats were fine. When in 9th month I had my water break I went to doctor and till then also everything was ok but when doctor took me in labour room she found I had placental abruption). 

Later my doctor said tightening of tummy is one of symptom of abruption. Be alert , take care. I know it is not possible to understand everything ( same happened with me) but surely we can be alert and not avoid even small thing.

I will explain in detail what is placental abruption in my later post.

Some babies are prematurely born in this month. If some problem is there then doctor can suggest delivery in this month. The babies delivered in this month are not fully developed and so, will be kept in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU) at least for 2 months or until they are developed. 

Do's and Don'ts:

  • Regularly go for walks, meditate and do yoga. 

  • Don't take stress.

  • Eat healthy food. Include everything in your diet especially Fibre,Folic acid and Vitamin-D3 Rich foods.

  • Avoid eating lot of oily, spicy and junk foods.

  • Even if everything is perfect in your pregnancy, regularly go for your checkups.

  • Don't sit or stand at one place for a long time.

  • Keep legs on pillow while sitting to avoid swelling and wear slippers while doing household chores.

  • Don't bend as due to growing belly it will be difficult and trying forcibly can cause imbalance and falling.

Visits to doctor's clinic:

  • From 7th month visit to the doctor would be twice a month.

  • If you have any issues and concerns, doctor will suggest weekly check up. 

  • At every check-up, the doctor will continuously monitor the baby’s weight and height. They will also monitor baby's heartbeats whenever necessary.

  • It is important that you follow all the instructions given by the doctor. Even a small mistake can cause problem.

  • Mothers with Rh–negative blood type will need to be injected with Rh immune globulin in the seventh month to protect the baby from the antibodies produced in the mother’s body.

Take care of you and your baby. Enjoy the last trimester 🥰. You will miss these days later☺️.

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