One Month Pregnant

The Last Month Period(LMP) date helps to find the Due Date(Date on which you will deliver baby). If you do not remember LMP doctor will suggest you ultrasound to determine the Due Date. 

As soon as the Egg fertilizes your First month begins but we come to know only after the periods are missed(First sign that you are pregnant) i.e. around 4 weeks from your LMP.

First month Baby(Poppy seed):

You hardly feel that you are pregnant during the first few weeks. As soon as periods are missed few symptoms may start like morning Sickness etc. 

Around 4th week when you missed your periods, baby will be a size of Poppy seed(so tiny🥰).

Only you and your family will know about your pregnancy for now. When your BUMP will start coming after First Trimester everyone will know that you are Pregnant ❤️.

Although your physical appearance may look same as before for now but your body is going through many changes internally and thus will be visible further as your pregnancy progresses.

Signs and symptoms of First month Pregnancy:

  1. Missed periods.
  2. Morning Sickness: Nausea with or without vomiting.
  3. Fatigue: As the baby grows all your energy will be consumed in preparing oxygen and nutrients to baby so you will feel fatigue(low energy). Please take rest if you feel dizzy.
  4. Mood swings: Due to hormonal changes, you will face lot of mood swings. Be calm, divert your mind from negative things,Read books about Pregnancy and baby, Watch comedy shows,meditate. 

Evey women is different and so the symptoms will also vary. These symptoms will continue until First Trimester (First 3 months). Some lucky ones may be asymptomatic while others may feel all or few symptoms. In few cases morning Sickness may continue until 5th month also😒(My case).

During my pregnancy I had all these symptoms 😓. I had nausea with severe vomiting so doctor had prescribed me PREGNIDOXIN NU(2-2-2). Note: consult your gynaecologist before taking any medicine.

Some important information ( It's difficult to understand if you are not from Medical background but you should know at least these small things).I hope my simple language will make you understand the basic concepts:

  • Uterus or womb where the baby will grow. 

  • The placenta is a temporary organ attached to wall of uterus. After the baby is delivered, placenta is also delivered.

  •  The umbilical cord arises from the placenta. It is the path to pass nutrients and oxygen to baby via placenta.

  • Cervix is the opening in the lower part of the Uterus. As soon as the egg is fertilized(during pregnancy),the cervix stays firm and closed until third trimester. During labor and birth, cervix opens and gets thinner and softer so that baby can pass through birth canal.

Some Precautions and Care:

  • Morning Sickness can occur any time during the day or sometimes at night also. Do not skip your breakfast from now onwards otherwise morning Sickness will worsen.

  • From now onwards put habit of eating some extra for your baby as well🥰. If you eat as before then all the energy will be consumed in giving nutrients to baby and you will feel tired and low.

  • If you feel fatigue then take a nap(even a 10-15 mins nap will make you feel fresh).

  • Take rest,go slow with household chores. If you are working ask your spouse or family for help.

  • Extra care need to be taken for first three months. Do not lift heavy objects at least during first trimester.

  • If you do not have any complications in your health go for morning walks. After first trimester you can start with yoga.

  • Stop all the medications before and after conceiving(if any).

  • Eat healthy so that baby will be healthy. Due to nausea , we may feel to eat something sour(tamarind,raw mango,lemon etc). You can have it but in very minor quantity.

  • Extra care should be taken as baby is so small that chances of miscarriage is more in this month. 

  • Some people say bending during pregnancy is harmful for baby but a big NO is the answer. Walking,bending, doing house hold chores, exercise all can be done but with safety. Do not hurry while doing anything, as you may slip and it can cause a problem of concern.

  •  If your health is not ok take rest, but don't be on bed whole day. It is not good for you and your baby's health instead Talk to one whom you feel comfortable with, listen to soothing music, read books etc.

  • Instead of eating 3 large meals(breakfast,lunch and dinner) have 5-6 small meals. Having small frequent meals can decrease the discomfort of nausea. Also as the Pregnancy progresses, the baby takes up more space. So, large meal causes heartburn. 

  •  As soon as you find you are Positive visit a gynaecologist, they will start you with Calcium and folic acid medicines. Shelcal HD and Dexorange Syrup were prescribed by my gynaecologist. Take your medicines on time(keep a fixed time, if you forget then set a reminder). Note:Take folic acid 2-3 hours after or before having your food and calcium tablet. Otherwise you may feel nauseous. Some people even after following this may feel nauseous then please talk to your gynaecologist(I had same problem, so my doctor prescribed me Dexorange syrup instead of Folic acid tablet).


If you have any problem or had any complications in your previous Pregnancy your doctor will suggest an early sonography in First Trimester.

If your gynaecologist find everything normal with your health and blood pressure and no health issues in your family then Sonography will be done directly at 3 months(at 12 weeks).

If you don't remember your LMP doctor can suggest early sonography.

In early sonography you will able to hear the heartbeats of your baby💓.

Foods to be taken:

Drink lot of fluids and include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Apple, watermelon,berries, kiwi,banana,spinach,tomato, bell pepper, sweet potato, beetroot etc

Drink at least 3 litres of water a day. Frequent trips to bathroom and clear pale yellow colour urine means your water intake is perfect.

Drink at least one glass of milk everyday with protein powder.

Eat protein rich foods such as Green gram (moong ), properly cooked egg(boiled), beans, cheese etc.

Eat Black dates. It brings instant energy and good for health.


Raw papaya: It leads to early labor and also miscarriage.

Pineapple: It also leads to early labor

Grapes: It produces lot of heat. Over eating can cause miscarriage or other complications. Instead of grapes opt to Raisins(but limited amount).

Uncooked meat or egg: Uncooked meat or egg contains bacteria. So, better to avoid this during pregnancy.

Packed and processed foods: Better to avoid unhealthy foods for healthy growth of your baby but occasionally it is absolutely fine.

Seafoods: Some Seafoods contains high level of mercury which is harmful for baby's nervous system development. So, better to be avoided.

Sugary Food: Alot of sugary food can put on unwanted weight and thus leads to gestational diabetes.

 Note:Pineapple and grapes can be consumed in very minor quantity but raw papaya or semi-ripe need to be avoided.

Note: Anything overeaten can cause a problem. Eat everything(except the above mentioned ) but in small quantity and frequently (This will not cause heartburn and also your energy will not be low).

Eat Healthy,stay healthy!!! Take care of you and your baby.

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