Kids addicted to gadgets?

In today's world of technology, where 90% of our work is on gadgets.

 Kids grow with them, so addiction is possible but a healthy addiction is safe for them.

Instead of stopping them schedule their activities.

If I'm using my mobile 24/7 then keeping my daughter away from it is not possible. So, notice your actions as well.

Along with scheduling; what kids are watching is also very important. All day listening to rhymes and watching cartoons is not good for them.

Addiction while eating?

If your kid is having his/her food while watching TV then you need to stop it.

As per my experience, having food while using electronic gadgets doesn't make them realize what they are eating and so, they don't enjoy having food. They just eat to fill their hunger.

How to stop?

  1. Eat together. This is not only the best way to avoid gadgets but also everyone enjoys having food.
  2. Keep the gadgets away from kids until having food.
  3. Instead of taking the gadgets when they are using while eating try something which they will agree with and also your work is done. Example: Talk to them about the topic they love and engage them in the topic that they will forget about the gadget. (You need to be very sharp about your kid's choice 😜 on this). Difficult but not impossible.
  4. Take them to the garden. Play with them. This will make them feel fresh and energetic. Also, they will be happy for spending time with you. Also, this is the best way to keep them away from gadgets😁. 

Kids need to be taught:

  • Teach them to respect food: 
  A famous shlok in Marathi;

वदनी कवळ घेता नाम घ्या श्रीहरीचे ||
सहज हवन होते नाम घेता फुकाचे ||
जीवन करी जिवित्वा अन्न हे पूर्ण ब्रह्म |
उदरभरण नोहे जाणिजे यज्ञकर्म ||

This means taking the name of God(Shri Hari) before having your food. As food gives us life, it is said as "purnabramha". Having food is worshipping god and not just filling our stomachs. So, always respect it.

Table manners are Good manners and etiquette while having your food.

  • Teach them about addiction and how it is good or bad for them. Explain them with examples and not by scolding.

Healthy addiction:

If your kids are addicted to gadgets then be aware of whether it is healthy or not.

Healthy addiction means whatever they are watching is good for their health and they learn from what they are seeing.

If kids are watching a dance show then see if they are seeing to learn. Make them interested in it. Tell them to practice with it. This will create more interest in them and also addiction will be healthy.

Every child is different and their way of thinking will be different. Don't compare them. If they are wrong explain them and if they are right support them. Look for your kid's wants and needs. Be there for them. Give them time from your busy schedule. 

 I'm working on my mobile for blogging. So, I'm not guilty if someone says "she is always on mobile" because I know I'm in a healthy addiction 😀.
Also, I take care not to compromise in giving time to my daughter. So, whenever she is around I try to avoid doing my work.

I felt it:

It's very sad to say that we have forgotten our culture. If we don't love it then what we will teach our children? It's sad but true. Learn your culture, and respect it. Be proud to be of what your ancestors have given you. 
Wearing jeans won't make you look cool and a saree is uncool. 
I am not saying don't wear a western outfit(I also wear it) but don't disrespect a saree. 
Respecting food is one of our cultural teachings.
All your thoughts will make your child and the next generation. I don't want our future generations to forget our culture and so we need to know about it. 
Today all over the world people are trying to follow our culture and many of us don't know anything about it. We should be ashamed of it. Think about it.

Improve yourself to improve your children. 

Take care. Happy parenting❤️

Note: Engaging kids in other activities will help you in keeping gadgets away. Try the most possible ways and share with everyone in the comment section. I will post your ways of engaging kids in my further post.

How do I engage my daughter?

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  1. very much informative...It's actually helpful for every parents or family members... my 2 n half year niece is an addicted with Mobile phone.. using this blog we found will help us definitely. Keep it up!!

    1. Thank you so much. ❤🥰keep reading and supporting 😊.

  2. My daughter also used to have mobile while eating I change her feed place to the blacony... Now she enjoys her food looking at people, watching pegions and sparrow...

    1. That's great😊. Thank you for your views. Keep supporting 🙏
