How to handle baby if you are working parents?

Earlier women used to work on farms, do household chores and handle their children. It was that she was strong? Is it that today woman's are lazy? Then?

Is it only a woman's job to handle a baby just because earlier women were doing without complaining?

When the thing comes to men we always consider a man is working and all the household work and handling baby is woman's responsibility.

Things may have changed with time but we can't ignore where there are still some families who have this kind of mentality (even in cities).

It's not about feminism but it is the responsibility which need to be handled as a couple rather than by anyone person.

In 70% families both are working today.

We need to change our perspective.

Working Mother and Father:

  • Handling a new born, if you are new or first time parent and you are working then it is difficult but not impossible.

  • Working not only means doing a job or handling a business but a homemaker is also a full-time working women.

  • Scheduling is the best way to manage everything.

  • Today almost 70% woman work in corporate or handle own business. So, I think both couple should support each other in taking care of a baby.

  • Feeding(if baby is on formula milk), bathing and playing with baby is not just a woman's responsibility but both parent should equally handle all the work.

  • Both couple working will be equally tired and stressed. So, be each others strength and all will be fine.

  • Baby is not only mother's responsibility but parent's.

  • As I always say, make a timetable and work accordingly. This will help baby eat, play and sleep on the same time everyday. This in turn will help you alot.

  • During covid-19 , as everyone were working from home, handling of baby was easy but if you have being returned to your regular schedule then the idea of timetable will help you alot.

  • Stay away from baby for few hours everyday(even if you are working from home). This will get them habit of being without you for sometime.

  • Along with managing the work. Family support is must. Without each others support it is impossible to do anything. 
Note: All the points I have mentioned are applicable for both(parent)

How I handle our baby?

I will share my experience which might help you.

Iam a homemaker and as you know I have started writing(blogging). The task is difficult but not impossible.

While doing my household I keep on thinking what I want to write and whenever Iam free, I start writing. If you are also blogging or writing then this might help you.

I decide the points, write them and then study about it(if I don't know). The reading habit of mine have helped me alot in writing. Even if Iam free for 10 minutes I go through the points.

Along with managing sometime baby's timing don't match mine. At this time I need support.

My family supports me especially my husband and niece swara.

Whenever I want to write and baby wakes, my niece sometimes handles her (plays with her). 

My husband always supported me. At night when our daughter used to wake up at 2am and 4am for feeds. He used to tell me " you sleep, I will feed her" (as she was on formula). From cleaning her bottle to changing her nappies and playing with her he supports me as much as possible. 

Some Responsibilities:

  • If woman is homemaker then also both couple should help each other. From household to baby's responsibility.
My mother is homemaker but my father always supported her. From feeding us to changing our nappies and bathing us. 
He knew handling 3 daughters and doing all the household is difficult for a single woman. 
He also knew she can handle it well but with each others support they will do it the BEST.

  • If women is working. Help her in household chores. Distribute the work and both will get equal time to spend with the baby. Also, household chores is everybody's duty and not just womens job.

  • If baby is unwell or wants to be with the mother then father can handle the households. There is nothing wrong in it.

  • Parenting is a big task but don't forget that you need to look at your health also. There is nothing wrong if you think of yourself first and then baby.

  • Don't depend on your husband for every small thing. Understanding has to be from both side. Relying on one person can led to frustration and misunderstanding.

  • Don't compare yourself with other couples. Everyone has their own story. 

I know many of you might be against me on this topic but I really think baby is a responsibility and not a job. So, both the parents should handle together with each others support.

Take care. Enjoy Parenting❤️. Keep loving each other. 

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