Four month pregnant

  Welcome Ladies🥰 to the Second phase of your Pregnancy 👍 SECOND TRIMESTER (4th,5th and 6th Month).

Fourth Month starts at 13th week and ends at 16th week.

This is the most loved Trimester of some womens as few of the symptoms almost go😜or reduces.

Some women may still have nausea in 5th-6th month also( like me😓). If nausea does not bother your health then enjoy otherwise talk to your Gynaecologist.

In this month, you will physically notice many changes in your body.

BUMP will start increasing from this month as your pregnancy progresses. 

If your BUMP is small but if you are eating well and weight gain is proper then no need to worry. Small BUMP not at all means you or baby is unhealthy.

Four Month Baby(Avacado):

Baby will look like an Avacado😍. The baby skin will be still translucent.

At 13th and 14th week,

  • Baby's Crown Rump Length(CRL) will be 3 inches(8cm). 

  • The Prostate gland starts developing in biological male fetus while Ovaries move to pelvic area in female fetus.

  • Roof of mouth will start developing.

  • Hair growth will also begin at this stage.

At 15-16 weeks, 

  • Baby weight and height will grow rapidly at the end of this month.

  • The CRL will be 4.5 inches(12cm).

  • Baby's hearing will start developing. Keep talking to your baby and hear your favourite songs. In the coming months ,your baby will be hearing your voice🥰 and soon will start kicking too😜.

What changes your Body will go through?

At the end of this month, your BUMP will be Visible.

  • Breast will grow in size. As breast will be preparing Colostrum (First milk for baby after birth), breast will be sore and tender

  • Areolas will start darkening(color of the areolas will become dark due to the hormone progesterone).

  • The nipples will change the shape and become ready for baby sucking. Note: If breast tenderness causes much pain when touched, talk to your doctor.

  • Line of Nigeria also appears during this Month. (It is said that the line indicates sex of baby) but it is complete myth. Science has not found any evidence of it. It is just due to increasing melanin(due to hormonal changes) causing darkening and thus visible during pregnancy (nothing else)😅.

Symptoms during this month:

If nausea goes away or lessens , few more symptoms are going to add from this Trimester (Best things never happen easily😅).

Heartburn will be the most common symptom from this month and will continue till your baby is born😒. As baby will keep growing, the uterus expands and puts pressure on your organs( especially stomach). 

Constipation is another common symptom most women's complain. As the pressure on organs slower digestion, it leads to Constipation. Progesterone hormone is one of the reason for increase in Constipation.

Haemorrhoids can occur due to pressure of growing baby.

Shortness in Breathing is also common from this Month, as baby will grow the pressure created will obviously affect our every organ inside. Don't rush, be calm. Do breathing exercises daily. The symptom will not go but you will feel better.

Frequent Urination due to pressure on bladder. 

As baby will be growing, your body will be facing many changes. Skin will sometimes darken or become dry and itchy. Take care of your skin. Apply mosturizes and lotions. Note: Any skin changes during pregnancy will go as soon as you give birth to baby. So don't worry if your skin darkens but please take care of it otherwise it will be difficult to get back to normal.

Some women also notice NoseBleeds. If you are bleeding please immediately call your doctor. It is not a good sign. I had nose bleed during my pregnancy (but when doctor supervised me he found nothing serious, so he just gave a Nasal drop. The reason for my bleed was side-effect of one medicine(which was prescribed me as I had placental abruption in my first Pregnancy). I will discuss about placental abruption in my future post.


Remedies for Symptoms:

Eat Healthy, eat more fibrous foods, include fruits, juices, vegetable salads daily in your diet. Drink lots and lots of water. 

Start doing yoga if your doctor suggest. Doing squats, meditations and bending exercises are best to keep you and baby fit. Don't stop with house hold work, just don't lift heavy things(above 5kgs).

Eat small and frequent meals. 

For heartburns, avoid eating oily,spicy and greasy foods. Once in a while is absolutely fine ☺️.

If any of the symptom worsen your health, talk to your doctor immediately do not wait for your monthly checkup.


If you had no problem in your previous Pregnancy then doctor will suggest a sonography between 10-13 weeks.

In this sonography, you will exactly know your due date, your baby’s “crown-rump length”, the number of babies in the womb and fetal heartbeat❤️.

The best moment of this sonography is hearing baby beat inside you🥰. Giving birth is a miracle. Please enjoy your pregnancy 🥰 

I personally feel husband's should take time and go along with their wives🥰 at every Ultrasound.

My First Ultrasound at 7weeks(early scan due to placental abruption in my previous Pregnancy)

Take care of you and your tiny Avacado🥰. Stay healthy and positive.

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