Eight Month Pregnant

Eighth month starts at 29 weeks and ends at 32 weeks.

At this moment, your baby is almost developed and will be ready to deliver in next month or so.

Eighth Month baby:

At 29-32 weeks, 

  • The baby's CRL will be 10.5-11 inches.

  • In this month, baby will move downwards(towards the pelvis). Due to this baby movements will be less from now.

  • The small hairs on baby's skin(Lanugo) will start falling in this month.

  • Babies born in this month are fully developed but considered as premature babies.

Symptoms of 8th Month:

All the symptoms will be almost same in this month also and will continue till the end of Pregnancy...Read more

  • Braxton Hicks contractions:

This will be the most common symptom from 8th month till your actual labour starts. 

These are considered false labour pains. It is less painful sometimes painless.

Tightening of tummy, pain in back are most woman complain in this month.

Note: Tightening is absolutely normal until the pain is severe or blood is there.

  • Colostrum leakage:

Some womans leak Colostrum (yellowish milk) from this month.

Few things to be known before delivery:

Water Break:

Your baby is surrounded by water in womb in the amniotic sac. During labour or before labour your membranes ruptures. This is known as Water break. 

Labour Pain:

Labour pains are contractions like menstrual cramps but severe or more strong.


You will notice periods like blood with or without contractions. It will start like menstrual cramps, pain in back but will become severe.


These are the symptoms you will notice before your baby delivers. Whenever you notice any of these symptoms or all, then don't wait, call your doctor and visit the clinic. Doctor will check you and tell you will deliver or will take time and accordingly you will be guided.

Getting Ready for Delivery:

Once the 8th month ends, you can deliver any time. Some women take only a week and start with the actual delivery symptoms.

Be prepared with your hospital bag as soon as 8th month ends.

The most important preparation is getting Ready mentally. Couple should give moral support to each other. Even though woman will be going through all the Pain and Delivery but man need the equal support (as hundreds of thoughts and questions arise in his mind) until you and baby are absolutely fine. Be the strength of each other and everything will be fine.

It is fine to be nervous if this is your first Pregnancy, but be prepared and known about everything before going to labour.

Wear loose fitting clothes whenever you visit your doctor from now onwards. Emergency can arise anytime. So, be prepared always.


The last ultrasound will be in 8th month , at the end or after 8th month(any time between 30-36 weeks).

The Colour Doppler ultrasound tells that the blood flow to baby is proper or not.

Doctors will suggest this ultrasound if they find you are bleeding or your blood pressure is high or you have pain in abdomen. Even if everything is fine, doctors sometime suggest this ultrasound just to make sure the blood supply is proper to baby or not.

"In my first Pregnancy, the color Doppler was suggested by doctor but before the ultrasound date my water break happened. My blood pressure, baby's heartbeats, my pulse rate every thing was absolutely fine from the start only but during Delivery doctor found I had placental abruption"

I just want to say that even if everything looks fine it is sometimes not fine. So, don't take risk. Listen to your doctor and do all the test if they suggest.

I will write in detail about labour and delivery in my next post.

Take care, be alert and enjoy being Pregnant ❤️.

Eat healthy,stay healthy. Take your medicine on time.

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