
Delivery is the most important day. After so many months of awaiting finally today baby will be in your arms.

Some women's deliver within an hour while some take very long time.( This time is the labour time).

Signs of Labour:

Water Break:

Your baby is surrounded by water in womb in the amniotic sac. During labour or before labour your membranes ruptures. This is known as WaterBreak. 

You will feel wetter vagina. Don't wait once you notice water break. 

Once the water breaks, you will start labour pains, if not started. The doctors wait for 24-hours after water break if you do not feel contractions or labour pains. 

Note: waiting for more than 24- hours can cause Infection. So, follow to doctor's suggestions.

Labour Pain:

Labour pains are contractions like menstrual cramps but severe or more strong.

This type of contractions you will notice from 7th month but the actual labour Pain are strong and continuous.

For first time mom it is difficult to know that it's false labour or not. If you are in your 9th month and close to due date then always talk to your doctor about it.

Labour Pain can last 16-18 hours also. For First-time mom's the labour Pain last longer as cervix dilates and thins and all is going to be for first time. Hence, will take time.

If you are going to deliver a baby girl👶, then labour Pain will not be continuous, it will be mild and in between severe and again mild and will continue the same throughout.

For baby boy👶, it will be much severe and continuous. Only you will know before delivery the gender of your baby🥰.


You will notice periods like blood with or without contractions. It will start like menstrual cramps, pain in back but will become severe.

"Whenever you notice any of these symptoms or all, then don't wait, call your doctor and visit the clinic. Doctor will check you and tell you will deliver or will take time and accordingly you will be guided".

(During my First Pregnancy, I had water break first then when doctor supervised me vaginally to check if cervix is open, I started spotting and minor labour Pain started.) 

Every women is different and so the symptoms will also.

Be calm, it's obvious to worry but stay positive and strong. 

Things to be known Beforehand:

Before going for delivery, have proper food. As it will require lot of energy and strength for Labour and child birth. 

If you deliver C-section, you cannot have food until 24-36 hours.

Due dates are given but it's not necessary that you will deliver perfectly on that day only. Due to our cycles, it is necessary that Due date changes. So, don't think that I have been given a particular date then I will deliver on that day only.

Note: Be prepared for delivery as soon as your 8th month ends. Some women deliver at start of 9th month, during or at end of 9th month. 

Hospital bag before and after Delivery for you:

  1. Hospital File
  2. 2-3 dressing gowns for Labour and after delivery. Some hospital provides you with the gowns but it's always good to carry few along with you.
  3. Nursing bras.
  4. Few pair of socks and cotton balls.
  5. Slippers or flipflops.
  6. Lip balm and body lotions.
  7. Maternity pads
  8. Mobile phone and charger.
  9. Toiletries (towels, face wash, sanitizer, tissues, toothbrush and toothpaste,small bag for used clothes).

Hospital bag for baby:

  1. Muslin cloth
  2. Baby blanket
  3. Baby towel
  4. Wipes,new-born diapers.
  5. Baby napkins
  6. Silver spoon and bowl(in case, if you don't have milk for few days).
  7. Socks and booties

Placental Delivery:

After baby is delivered, placenta need to be delivered. If you Deliver normally doctors will tell you to push one more time. If you deliver by C-section, placenta will be removed by doctors. If you are exhausted and cannot push anymore or take more than 1 hour the doctor will give you Oxytocin injection to deliver the placenta. Delivery of placenta takes maximum 30 minutes.

Congratulations for having your baby🥰❤️ Enjoy Motherhood. 

For problems and help after being a mother please feel free to share your experience with me and also let me know if you need any help.

Contact me through email- or you can also send your queries in the comments section.

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