When to start talking to baby?

 Talking is one of the important milestones.

Crying, gurgling, cooing, smiling, laughing, try speaking with different sounds, jabbering, combining syllables and finally talking.

Don't worry if baby is not according to the milestone chart. 

My daughter is 18 months and not talking yet. My husband started talking when he was 3 years old🙄(my MIL told me). So, it's ok if baby is late but keep trying.

If you find baby is not responding to sounds and not even gurgles or jabber. Then, talk to your doctor.

How to talk with baby and when?

You can start talking to baby as early as possible. I talked to my baby when she was not even 1 month old. This will keep you attached to your baby and they will slowly start recognizing your voice.

Talk while feeding milk, while playing and even when baby is crying.

Sing lullabies for baby. Also, you can sing songs for babies( they definitely love your voice😜).

When baby is crying, you can ask "what happened?". "Mumma is coming". Etc so they will understand the meaning of what we say and when.

Break the words and speak. Like "Mum"-"ma". I feel this easy way to make speak.
Note: Actual baby speaking start as early as 12-18 months. 

My daughter don't clearly speak everything but she understands everything we speak.

If I tell her to pick up something she will do that. But she don't talk I want this or I want to eat this. She says "mumma aa hmmm ha ".

Read stories or songs for babies. This will help them to speak as well.

Things to be noted:

Use good words in front of baby. Even when you are not talking to them but they are around use nice words and speak politely. 

Use only one language while speaking otherwise they will get confused. According to me every child should be taught their mother tongue first and not English (at least until 3 years). I had listened to Mr. Sonam Wangchuk that when we teach kids in mother tongue they understand better. As everyday we are using the same Language and if while teaching other language comes then they get confused and hate study. Kids should enjoy learning. I will write in detail about this in my future post.

In today's life where we use 70% of English words while speaking. It is difficult to speak only in mother tongue but not impossible. Improve yourself to make your child better. (Iam improving myself, Are you?). 

Language Milestone:

See baby milestones for 1-6 months and 7-12 months for month wise language milestone.

If you have any doubts regarding baby hearing and talking always talk to your doctor. You can also write your queries in comment section or mail on smhaskar2209@gmail.com

I have written what I have experienced with my daughter. I can know less but whatever I have written is 100% true as it's my personal experience.

Take care and stay healthy ❤️.

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