How long should I continue cholecalciferol drops?

 Calcium plays an important role in proper bone development of babies.

Breast milk helps in better immunity but a proper diet leads to proper body development.

What is cholecalciferol drops? Why is it important for babies?

Cholecalciferol drops are the vitamin D3 drops, which helps in proper absorption of calcium in bones.

As for first 6 months, babies are only on breast milk, it is important to start cholecalciferol drops from first month itself.

It is better to continue the drops until baby is 12 months.

Due to Corona pandemic, as babies could not go out in sunlight for many months. So, my doctor suggested cholecalciferol drops for my daughter even after 12 months.

Note: If babies are going in sunlight and having proper calcium rich foods then no need to continue the cholecalciferol drops after 12 months.

Take care of your baby.

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