How to Handle newborn and elder child together?

Siblings are one of the best gifts we have.

Having a sibling is like having "Cherry"🍒  on the Cake 🎂.

Having a child and planning for another is the Right decision as the elder one will get someone to play with🥰 and the younger one will get someone to take care of❤️.

This post is for how to handle more than 2 kids( either of the kid can be yours or your niece/nephew). This will also help parents of more than one child.

I have specially written this post for my niece and nephew; Swara, Vivan and Gargi❤️ .

How to handle the older child?

No matter how much your child is elder, they need love and care always from their parents.

If you are planning for a new child, never forget to pamper the older one. Even after the baby is born.

The feeling of jealousy is obvious ☺️, talk to the older one, explain him/her but never scold (otherwise the jealousy will start taking place of hate). 

Ask the older one to help you out in taking care of a newborn, even if you can do it alone. ( This will make them excited and try to become responsible 🥰just to become more good in front of parents😄).

How to handle a younger child?

This will depend on how young the child is. If your baby is a newborn then he/she will need extra attention but without hurting the elder one.

If the baby is 3-4 years then you can leave the siblings together.😜let them fight or play, you just relax.

Things to be taken in mind:

  • If you have a child and planning for another one, make sure that you are mentally prepared for it. 

  • The age gap between both kids should not be more than 4-5 years. If the gap is more, the less they bond with each other later. (Note: It is As per my observation but you can always consult an expert for this or the couple can make their own decision alone).

  • Let your elder child know about the new baby coming(his/her brother or sister).

  • Teach him or her about caring and loving his/her new sibling.

  • Never compare your kids. Neither with each other nor with other kids. Every child is unique ✨.

Strong bonding between siblings:


Sharing food will create a strong bond between the siblings.
Sharing leads to caring and this habit of your child will continue even when they grow up. Teach them to share everything.

Playing and dancing:

Teach them to play together.
If kids fight doesn't angry with them. Let them do whatever they want ultimately everything will be normal between them. (As if nothing happened).😂

Spent time with each other:

Let the siblings take their alone time. If parents will be around all-time then kids don't enjoy to the core.

Note: All the things I have written are as per my observations. You can always do whatever is comfortable and good for you and your children.

I hope you enjoyed reading and watching the videos🥰

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