Newborn Twins

Twin Baby Boy and Girl

Handling a newborn baby is such a difficult task especially for First time parents.Having Twins is twice the joy🥰 and also twice the amount of stress and sleep deprivation. 

It's not just giving birth but after delivery recovery, baby feed, health, mental stress, sleep, household chores, giving time to everything is impossible for a Parent of twins as stress only doubles if not handled properly.

Some tips for First time Parents of newborn Twins:

Take help, Handling twins is not an easy job. Your mental and physical health need to be taken care of. Ask your friends and family to help you out in handling your twins. Ask them to stay with you.

Hire a Maid, If friends and family are not able to give time or they are busy in their schedules then hire a maid to help you with the household chores. So, that you can handle your babies.

SupportBoth couple must support each other. Husbands should also help changing diapers, play with babies and make them sleep. Handling baby is a parents job and not only of a mother.

Sync schedule, When baby sleeps parents can take rest but with twins it's nearly impossible. So, when one baby is hungry , wake another baby also for feed. This will sync the schedule of both babies and you will get time to rest. Also for now as everyone is going through Pandemic, most of us are working from home. So, one parent can handle baby who is hungry and other can rest with the one who is sleeping and vice versa. This will help both rest and also babies will be happy🥰. Make sure not single parent is attached to particular baby. Both babies should be taken care of both parents otherwise they will get habit of being with only dad or only mom.

Keep twins together, Make both baby sleep together. If you think that one cries then other one will get disturbed but then they will not get habit of sleeping in little noise also. So, make both babies sleep together.

Same Clothes, If twins are boy and girl don't buy particular gender clothes instead buy unisex clothes. It will make your work easy.

Some Facts about Twins:

Viva and Vivan( my sister in law's twins)

Twins are of various types; Identical twins, Fraternal twins, Conjoined twins and Mirror twins. I will explain in detail about the twins in my future posts.

The above picture is of my sister in law's twins; Baby Boy and Baby Girl. They are identical twins. Both had shared the same placenta(identical twins happen in very rare cases and that too with same placenta). They most of the time eat,sleep and play together. Also as my SIL told me that even when one is unwell the other one will also be unwell(her personal experience).

 This type of cases are very few and need extra care when in womb as placenta is single blood supply need to be reached both baby equally and thus many ultrasound are suggested to keep track of oxygen,blood supply to both babies and mom.

Being parents of twins is an extra blessing. Take care of yourself and babies. Support each other, don't stress. Enjoy being parents of Twins🥰.

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  1. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼❤️❤️

  2. Thank you so much ma'am. Really means alot. Please keep reading.
