Baby Walking Milestone

Walking is one of the important Milestone of baby's Development.

Some babies walk early around 8-9 months while some take time(at 12 months or late until 18 months).

Even before baby starts walking independently, there are various milestones to be acquired. When one of the milestone take time it will obviously affect the other milestones.

Do not worry if your baby is late but always note whether baby is trying the other milestones or not(crawling,trying to stand etc).

Muscle Strength:

As I said, even before baby walks. There are various milestones to be acquired.

Walking requires strength.

I had mentioned in my earlier post, Tummy time is one good way to increase your baby’s muscle strength. It is very important and plays a big role in your baby’s physical development.

Use a Walker or not?

Many parents get on this question, whether to use a Walker or not? I also had this question.
I had heard, using walker helps baby walk but their muscles do not strengthen as compared to ones who try without a walker.

I had bought an activity walker for my baby as it was 13 months and yet she was not walking. I was worried, I thought that not using walker was the reason for her late walking but my thought was completely wrong😅.

I feel walkers are useless. My daughter instead to walking with its help, she used to lift it😒.

The best idea instead of walker I found is table 😀.

My daughter walking with the help of table😅 homemade walker😜:

Note: It's up to you whether to use the walker or not but I personally feel walkers are not necessary.

Walking with the help of support(furniture etc):

Baby will try standing firstly with the help of things. 

Encourage them to do so. Let them fall and stand again. 

Guide them but never make them do with your help.( Otherwise they will not try on their own)

The video of my daughter standing on her own at 11 months:

Slowly, they will start walking from one end to another. 
Note:Always be around your baby when they are walking with the help of furniture.

The video of my daughter walking with the help of support at 12 months:

Lifting one foot to stand up:

Once the baby starts walking with support, they will try to sit and stand but by lifting one foot.

Standing like this requires muscle strength. Let your baby try, encourage them by using positive words like " yes baby good keep going" and once they stand then applaud with saying "very good baby". Words play a vital role in encouragement also they get excited to try again and again.

My daughter trying to lift her foot to stand up on her own at 12 months:

Kneeling without support:

Babies before walking will do all the work on their knees. Crawling to move forward, to bring the toy, etc.

Once baby stands with support then they will try kneeling.

Kneeling requires more strength, as all the pressure directly goes on knees. 

Kneeling at 13 months

Crawl upstairs:

Baby will try to crawl on stairs with hands and bending knees( like bear 🐻).

Crawling upstairs increases the muscle strength of both hands and legs.

My daughter crawling upstairs at 14 months:

Walking by holding Hands:

Now that, baby can walk with support, stand on their own, crawl on stairs. Start with holding hands to make baby walk.

I always used to tell my daughter, " come on let's go out to play". and she used to  hold my hand and try walking with me😄. 

Don't force baby to do anything otherwise they will never do that. Encourage them or try whenever they are excited to do so. 

Finally Walking without support:

Stand on your knees and encourage your baby to come to you. Call out their name , use encouraging words. Keep small distance between you and baby.

You can also keep baby's favourite toy and ask them to come and take it. This will encourage baby to walk.

Yeahhhh!!! Your little munchkin is walking. Wow what a feeling 😄. 

Now that they are walking, be ready for running behind them all time😅.

My daughter walking on her own at 15 months:

How to massage baby's legs?

Massage is the best therapy for pain relief. Although baby's don't talk but they love when massaged.

Massaging soothes the pain and help baby relax.

With the help of any oil, massage baby's foot, legs and knees gently in circular motion. Babies love massage and so, they will allow to do it without any trouble😄.

When to worry?

Babies can be late but keep notice of whether they are late or some problem is there.

If baby cries when kept standing and does not try to stand on own.

If baby is 24 months and not trying to walk with support then talk to your doctor.

Keep in mind:

  • Never compare your baby's development with other babies. Not even with your own elder child. Every baby is unique, each will take their own time.(babies walk as early as 8 months and late as 18 months). 

  • When I was baby I walked at 9 months while my baby at 15 months. So, it's nothing with hereditary nor with age.  

  • From 2 months only start with tummy time. This will help strengthen muscles and eventually affect the proper development.

  • Walk with your baby, be kid with your baby. I enjoy being a mOm but like a kid🥰.

  • Some babies don't crawl. It's fine if baby directly walks.

  • My baby took time to walk(15 months) as I kept her on tummy very late and hence, she did not liked to be on tummy later. So, she took time to crawl and which lead to late walking but the things I have faced, might not be in your case. So, see the mistake you are doing and never repeat them.

Enjoy Motherhood!!! Take care of your baby and yourself.

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