
My daughter's first teeth erupted at 9 months(Lower central incisor).

Baby's first teeth usually starts erupting at 6-7 month.

Some babies are late. It's ok if your baby is 8 months and teeth has not yet erupted. (My neice had her first teeth when she was 12 month old). 


Baby Teeth (Primary Tooth development)

  1. Central Incisor(Lower) are first to erupt at 6-10 Months.
  2. Central incisor(Upper) erupt at 8-12 Months.
  3. Lateral incisor(Upper) erupt at 9-13 months.
  4. Lateral incisor(Lower) erupt at 10-16 months
  5. 1st Molars erupt at 13-19 Months
  6. Molars(Lower) erupt at 14-18 Months
  7. Canines(Upper) erupt at 16-22 Months
  8. Canines(Lower) erupt at 17-23 months.
  9. Molar(Lower) erupt at 23-31 months
  10. 2nd Molar erupt at 25-33 months
Note: Baby's teeth development can be early or late. If baby is 18 months and no teeth has erupted then it could be a dental problem.

Even before the teeth erupt, Symptoms of teething can be seen. Few of them are:

1. Irritability: 

Infants try to put finger or any object(toys) in their mouth due to discomfort. They will also try to bite something hard

2. Swollen gums:

Some babies gums swell and become sore. 
Some Babies may cry ,not eat or sleep well due to teething.

How to soothe Baby's Irritation and Sore Gums?

  1. Chilled Silver Spoon or any metal spoon is the best remedy to ease the discomfort.( I always do this for my daughter).
  2. Massage or Rub baby's gums. Use a clean cloth(washed with chilled water) or simply with your clean finger.
  3. Give Hard Foods, If baby has started with solid food, you can offer it.
If even after these remedies baby is not feeling better then contact the pediatrician.

Some people say teething causes fever and diarrhea but it's not true. Teething causes symptoms only in mouth or gums and nowhere else.


  • Clean the toys every time before giving them to your baby. As it's common to put them in mouth. Use MeeMee liquid cleanser to wash the toys.

  • Do not give any medicine for teething. Teething makes baby cranky but can be treated at home.

  • Take care of baby's teeth and gums. Use finger brush to clean baby's gums and tongue. After teeth starts erupting, start using tooth brush. Note: do not use toothpaste until baby is 3 years old.

  • You can use Fluoride-free toothpaste for kids below 3years.(easily available in market).

  • If baby has fever or diarrhea, PLEASE visit the pediatrician. As this could be any other reason and not Teething. 

Take care!!!

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