
 Constipation is very common in babies as while eating they intake more air.

If baby is Bottle feeding, chances of passing air is more. Hence, lot of air causes Constipation.

Formula Feed babies constipate more than breast feeding babies.

If you have started cow's milk for your 12 months baby. Then, it can also be the reason for constipation.

Home Remedies for constipation ( these are few I had tried for my baby):

0-6 months: 

Untill 6 months do not give any medicine for your baby rather you can try few techniques ,I had tried for my baby.
  1. Massage baby's tummy gently.
  2. Give warm water bath, it will help relax baby's muscles and release poop.
  3. Exercise baby's legs gently in bicycle motion.

After 6 months:

  1. Try giving Clarified butter (Ghee) water. Take half TSP clarified butter with 1 TSP Luke warm water (For 12+ month babies take 1 TSP of clarified butter with 2 TSP water). It is very effective ( works best for my daughter). Note: Try giving early in morning before eating anything.
  2. If baby is taking solids properly, increase the fibre rich foods in baby's diet. 
  3. Increase water intake with fibrous food. You can also give apple juice or apple puree.
  4. Whole wheat Chapati with ghee can also be given to decrease constipation.
After baby is 6 month old. Try making habit for babies to sit on potty seat. Sitting in accurate position also decreases the chances of constipation.

Foods to be avoided:

Rice, dairy products, Bananas, potatoes etc.
Note: Everything given in moderation is absolutely fine. Try giving , if baby has lot of problem then stop for few days.

Some Misunderstandings of Constipation:

  • If baby poops once in 5-10 days. It is absolutely normal. As breast milk is easily digested there's nothing left back as waste.

  • Baby making sound while pooping not at all means baby is Constipated.

  • If baby poops in flat position it makes them difficult to poop. Try bending their knees(Squat position) for easy release of poop. Some women misunderstand that baby is having tough time so they are constipated but it is not always true.

When to talk to your Pediatrician?

  • If baby does not poop at least once in 5-10 days.

  • If baby cries or is in pain while pooping.

  • If blood passes in poop or poop is black in color.

  • If baby's poop is very hard.

There is nothing to worry about constipation. Go with the  remedies and baby will be absolutely fine. 

Note: If constipation is for more than 10 days even after trying all remedies then talk to your doctor.

Take care of you and baby.❤️

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