Techniques of baby feeding

Follow these simple tips and enjoy feeding:

  • Babies are very Fussy while eating. Keep the environment calm while feeding your baby. 

  • The presentation of food matters alot. Use attractive bowl and spoon so that baby enjoys eating.

  • Talk to them while feeding instead of using mobile or TV.(We think baby is eating but TV distracts them. My daughter also had this habit but I slowly stopped it and now she enjoys eating without music😁).

  • If baby do not want to eat don't force them. Otherwise they will be more fussy and at the end they will eat only if they are hungry.

  • Always be prepared with 2-3 dishes as babies are very moody. If today they eat banana tomorrow they can hate banana as well(My personal experience 😂). Someday babies don't want to eat anything then try giving fruits,juices or finger foods instead of forcing them. Note: Baby's tummy is very small even if they eat 1-2 biscuits they will feel full . So, before lunch or dinner don't give snacks to them(not even a chocolate).

  • If baby is not eating at all then you eat along with them this will make them eat too(my personal experience).

  • You can use feeding chair. (The link given is of chair I use for my daughter ,you can try any other you feel good for your baby). One benefit of Feeding chair I feel is that baby enjoys eating and they get habit of eating food properly.  

  • If baby is avoiding semi solid food then try giving Rice water or moong Dal water(Recipe). It is very healthy. Tip:Start this in early 6 months so that later baby will be comfortable with semi-solids and solids.

  • Prepare different dishes of single item. Eg: prepare sweet semolina (Sheera) one day and other day spicy semolina (upma). If you prepare everyday same type of dish baby will get bored.

  • Prepare a feeding timetable according to baby's wake, nap and play time. So, It will become baby's routine. This will make your work easy.

Some important things to be noted:

  • Along with breakfast,snacks,lunch and dinner keep baby feeding water. Boil the water and give your baby. 

  • Change baby water bottle after 6 months for good hygiene.

  • After baby is 12 months stop giving milk otherwise baby will not eat food properly. If needed feed milk only at bed time(night).

  • In morning and at bed time clean baby's teeth and tongue with baby brush.(Sterile brush before and after use).

  • After feed wipe baby's face with clean damp cloth(You can use Sebamed wet wipes also).

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