Remedies for Babies


If babies are unwell they cannot tell us. Anything that happens to them they express only through crying and it's very difficult to find specifically what is happening to them. (especially for new moms).

Here are some remedies I think most probably all moms will need for their baby's health problems(common during the first 6 months):

1. Gas and Colic:                                              

If the baby is crying excessively even after feeding or sleeping then it can be a Gas or Colic problem.

Check the stomach, if it is hard and the baby cries if pressed then a lot of gas is there. 

To avoid gas problem BURP baby each time you feed and feed the baby inaccurate position. Sometimes even after Burping baby gets gas (it is more common in infants below 6 months). 

 Note: Formula-feed baby gets more gas as compared to breastfeeding.

Hold the baby's legs and bend them in such a way that it presses the stomach. It helps the baby Fart and removes the gas.

Doctors suggest not to use bottles for babies because it increases the chances of gas. As my baby was not comfortable with spoon feeding I started a bottle for her after 1 month only (Philips Avent feeding bottle is the best bottle ever and it is suitable for 0+ months baby). Try to avoid bottle feeding if you have breast milk.

Remedies to help relieve baby's gas problem:

  • Apply Hing(Asafoetida) paste to the stomach. (2tsp of Hing powder with water to make a thick paste).

  • Pinch of BalGuti powder with 2 TSP milk(breast or formula milk). If the baby is more than 12 months then give BalGuti honey.
  • Colicaid drops give instant relief to the baby(my personal experience). (5 drops till 6 months after that 10 drops). I give to my baby only when she has gas or colic problem but you can give daily. It's natural. So, no side effects. Tip: Try giving 5-6 drops at a time instead of 1-2 drops 3 times. 


2. Cold, cough and Fever:

   It is common to get cold and cough in infants. Their nostrils are very small. 

Some remedies I had used for my daughter which helped me:

  • Take a beetle leaf (Khaycha paan) apply warm cooking(any) oil to it and put carom seeds (ajwain or ova) on it. Place this leaf on the baby's head and wear a baby cap(the leaf should not be too warm while placing). It is very effective.

  • Take carom seeds. Heat it on a pan. Take a cotton cloth, and place these seeds on the cloth. Give warm compress to baby's head, chest, back, hands, and legs also let baby smell the aroma of carom seeds from the same cloth. 

  • When my daughter was 4 months she had a cold and cough. The doctor had prescribed Syrup Ambrodil S, and Nasoclear Nasal Drop(you can use it whenever you feel your nose is blocked).
  • No need to worry if the baby is having a fever, bathe the baby with cold water or wipe it with a clean cotton cloth using cold water. Wipe 3-4 times a day until the baby's temperature is normal. 
  • Breastfeed your baby as much as you can because it contains antibodies that help in fighting against infection.
  • Keep Note of the baby's temperature  (using a thermometer). Place the thermometer under the baby's arms (If the temperature is above 100°F it is FEVER). Even after wiping, if fever is still there then try giving Crocin Drops (every 4 hours as per your baby's age).

  • Note: Start the medicine only after the baby is 2 months old and try to avoid it if the baby is taking milk, active and playful.

  • Note: Call your paediatrician if fever is above 100°F for 2-3 days continuously and if the baby is not consuming milk at all.

3. Diarrhoea:

Diarrhoea or diarrhoea (Julab) is the passing of loose stool. If stool contains blood immediately call the paediatrician.

  • Give boiled water to your baby with ORS(Rehydrating powder)every 3-4 hours as diarrhoea causes dehydration. Dilute 1 packet in 1 litre of water.

  • When my daughter was 7 months she had diarrhoea (sticky stool, no blood and she was active). The doctor had prescribed Syrup Zn 20 and Syrup Rinifol. 

  • Avoid using a Diaper till loose motion stops as wearing a diaper can cause Rashes. If the baby has got Rash use Sebamed Diaper Rash cream or Siloderm ointment.

(Ask your paediatrician before giving these medicines to your baby).

I hope these remedies will help you out. Always keep trying what is suitable for your baby rather than trying all the things. If the baby is fussy and crying, be calm and ask someone for help. Don't stress, this will make the baby fussier.

Keep Reading!!!

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  1. Good one.. thank you samik sharing such informations which can help new moms and would be mom too.. keep doing..

    1. Thank you so much neha. Keep supporting. Your support keeps me motivatedšŸ˜Š

  2. Nice one dear.... Definitely helpfulšŸ‘Œ

    1. Thank you dear. Keep supporting šŸ˜‡.
