Milestones of 1-6 month baby

 Milestones are the Development of Babies.

Milestone of 1-month-old baby:

  1. Diet:Breast milk or formula.
  2. Physical:Lifts head when lying on tummy.
  3. Language:Cries for wants and needs.
  4. Cognitive: Response to sound.

Milestone of 2-month-old baby:

  1. Diet:Breast milk or formula.
  2. Physical:Holds head up for short period.
  3. Language:Vocalizes with gurgles and coos.
  4. Cognitive:Follows items.

Milestone of 3-month-old baby:

  1. Diet:Breast milk or formula.
  2. Physical:Holds head steady.
  3. Language:Smiles and Laughs
  4. Cognitive:Visually tracks moving objects.

Milestone of 4-month-old baby:

  1. Diet:Breast milk or formula.
  2. Physical:Can bear weight on legs.
  3. Language:Coos in conversation.
  4. Cognitive:Aware of people and things.

Milestone of 5-month-old baby:

  1. Diet:Breast milk or formula.
  2. Physical:Plays with their own hands and feet.
  3. Language:Coos in conversation.
  4. Cognitive:Distinguishes bold colours.

Milestone of 6-month-old baby:

  1. Diet:Start purees, chunks, juices, etc.
  2. Physical:Rolls over in both directions.
  3. Language:Imitates Sound.
  4. Cognitive:Turns to sounds and voices.

All the Above are Basic Milestones or Stages of babies. If your baby is not according to some of the milestones then it is absolutely fine. As I always say every baby is unique. Please do not compare your baby with others instead encourage them.

My daughter is 14 months old and still, she is not walking on her own. I asked the paediatrician, she said it was fine. Some babies take time. Keep on trying. But I feel maybe I had made a few mistakes so she took time.

A few mistakes I had done, might help you not to repeat them:

  • Tummy Time:Keeping babies on their tummies. Start Tummy time as early as possible (For 1-2 months baby for 5-10 minutes). Tummy time tightens the neck muscles and strengthens muscles. (Never leave your baby alone during tummy time). I had no idea about this so my daughter took the time to lift her head.

  • Play Time: Keep your baby on a play mat for playing(Keep a fixed time so that your baby gets a habit of it). This will give them time to explore themselves and move their hands and feet. Also, it will help them to roll over early. I used to keep my baby most of the time in the cradle (even when she used to play)so she Rolled over very late. Please do not make this mistake. 
I hope this will help you. I have shared my experiences, please don't repeat them. It is possible to happen when you are a first-time mom so take care of it.

Keep Reading!!!

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