
 Breast milk is the most important and nutritious first food for your newborn. 

Breast Feeding is must for at least 1 year for healthy weight gain and development of baby.

As I had mentioned earlier in my post, The first milk (Colostrum) is very essential for your baby as it contains maximum amount of Antibodies,it helps in better immunity.(PLEASE DO NOT AVOID IT).

Sweating and bad odour can let baby refuse in taking breast milk. So, always wipe your breast and nipples with clean damp cloth before feeding your baby. 


If you are working, use Breast pumps to collect the milk and store it. 

Breast milk stored can be used up to 3-4 hours(If refrigerated then up to 5-6 hours). 

Check the  Manual Breast pump and Electric breast pump. 

I had used the manual breast pump, it is cheaper than electric one. If you don't have enough time then buy Electric one otherwise manual one is very good. 


  • Flat nipples are flat as compared to normal one. BreastFeeding can be difficult with flat nipples. 

  • Inverted nipples are nipples completely flat. It can be from birth itself and also it doesn't harm us but inverted nipples can make breast feeding difficult.

The following remedies can help in easing the feeding process:

  1. Hold the nipple in C-Shape,V-Shape and U-Shape.It outwards the nipples by pressing with fingers. For C-hold, press the nipple with thumb and index finger(making C). For V-hold, press the nipple with index finger and middle finger(like scissor). For U-hold, press the nipple with thumb and index finger(making U). 

  2. Even after pressing with finger baby is not able to suck properly, you can use breast pumps which can help in elongating your nipples.
  3. Using syringe you can pull the nipple. Cut the front portion(refer image below), Remove the plunger and place on the side you have cut and then place on the breast and pull gently.

  • Other than breast pump you can also use Nipple Puller(helps to draw out the nipples), Nipple Shield(without pulling the Nipple you can feed the baby),Nipple shield + puller(It works as combination).

If you have large areola or if baby's mouth is small or unable to suck, you can try any of these remedies.

Note: Out of all the things according to me syringe works best as one of friend had this problem and it helped her alot.  But you can try whatever works best for you.


To avoid back pain during breastfeeding use the feeding pillow.

 Pillows can also help hold baby properly. 

We can use normal pillow also. I prefer using feeding one as it supports back and feels comfortable.


Change the positions accordingly you and your baby is comfortable with.

  1. Cradle hold: Hold the baby on your lap(use feeding pillow), support with your left hand to feed left breast and guide baby with your right hand(hold your nipple in c,u or v as I mentioned above).
  2. Cross cradle hold: Hold the baby on your lap with right hand supporting the head to guide baby and left hand to hold nipple(c,v or u hold).
  3. Football: Hold the baby with head on front side and body on back side(refer the above picture) with head in your arm and with the palm of same arm guide the baby. Use other hand to hold nipple(c,v or u hold).
  4. Side lying: This position is while lying, place your baby alongside. Face towards your baby with your one hand hold the nipple. This position is best for Cesarean section or one who has back pain. It is also comfortable for night feeding.

Tip: Cross cradle position is the best for low weight or small babies.  


Breast Feeding should not hurt you. If it does then your baby is not latching correctly. Incorrect latching can result in pain, discomfort and sour nipples. 

If you have sour and cracked nipples use the ointment Nipcare after you feed your baby. (Nipcare is very effective, clean the nipple then take pinch of cream, mix it with breast milk and apply gently). When you apply the cream, always clean nipple before feeding baby.

Breast milk is the best food for babies but one who has less or no breast milk can opt to formula milk without any doubt. 

Thank you for reading!!

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  1. Thank you so much dear. Keep supporting 🙏❤️

  2. So well explained.. blogging, sharing such informative and useful things..
