Taking Care of Yourself

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     I'm glad that you all liked my post and are here again to read the next one.

  Taking care of YOURSELF:

    Now that you are a Mother there are various responsibilities of yours but according to me, the most important one is your Health.
    If you are healthy then you can take care of your Baby.

Remember the following points to take care of yourself after Postpartum:

Postpartum yoga and exercises after Delivery:

      Don't take tension at all. Mental health is most important. Relax and start doing YOGA. It is the best medicine for a stress-free and healthy life.
   If delivered Normally then you can start with any yoga pose you feel comfortable with.
If Cesarean section then tries doing BABY COBRA POSE and PLANK POSE. They are very effective in losing belly fat and give comfort to back pain(My personal experience). Back pain is later very severe in C-section so start as early as possible.
Both of these exercises I prefer (as it gives me relief), you can try whichever is comfortable for you.


     Now that you are a mother that doesn't mean you need to stop your medicines. Continue your Calcium, Iron and Protein supplements it will keep you as well as your baby healthy through your breast milk.
    Even if you are not breastfeeding you should continue the medicines for better health because Giving Birth is the biggest scar and it needs to be healed. 


     As I already said we can eat everything. If you eat something spicy that will not at all harm your baby.
  Eating everything does not mean you can eat Junk Food😜but occasionally it is Fine.
  Eat healthy so that both of you are Healthy🙂.
   Fenugreek seeds(methi), garlic(Lasun), milk, and garden cress seeds(Halim) increase the milk supply. so, add these items regularly to your diet.

• Along with Yoga, Diet and medicines the most important things are Wearing Slippers, Putting cotton buds in the ears, Wearing a Scarf around the head, Drinking Lukewarm water and Getting Massage with Sesame oil(Til) for at least 3 months regularly to avoid Muskoskeletol Disorder (Vaat Rog).

  Tip: Sesame oil penetrates deep in the skin which is very good to relieve stress(you can use any other oil also). Please do not avoid these small things. Take care of yourself.

Thank you for Reading my Post. Hope you all like it. Keep Reading and stay tuned for further posts.

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