New Born Baby

Things to be known for new mommies:

*  Normally or C-Section your body will need REST after the baby is born.

*  The first milk is the COLOSTRUM(Very healthy and best for your newborn baby).

* Massage is important for both Mother and Baby.

* Daily bath and massage is a must for baby( even if it is cold or rainy bathe your baby).

* Burping helps in reducing gas, spit-up and colic problems. 

Every woman is different. so, listen to your body rather than anybody else. Even a mother and daughter's pregnancy is different so never compare yourself with anyone. 


   Some need no medicines and breast massage to start milk supply while some after massaging the breast(massage with oil slowly in a circular motion) and taking medicines(Shatavari capsule or Lactonic granules)milk supply starts in 1-2 days.
(even if you don't have milk keep your baby sucking so that milk supply will start and also baby will get the habit of it).


   Once your milk supply increases, after feeding your baby if you feel your breasts are heavy always remove the extra milk by massaging the breast with oil in a circular motion(this will prevent Breast Cancer and also milk supply will keep on increasing).


    If after so many medicines and massages, milk is not at all there or very less then the doctor will recommend Formula Milk for your baby until your milk supply increases (NAN PRO is the best formula milk). 
Please do not start cow milk before the baby is one year old as it is very hard to digest. ( It may cause blood in poop or vomiting or any other symptom. It's my personal experience).


   The Baby's weight will decrease in the first few days due to the extra fluid in the body. After that, the weight should regain in the first 2 weeks or so. If your baby is not gaining weight that means he is not getting enough milk.


    The Baby's First poop will be black (Meconium) and it will continue for a few days or a week. As the baby will start taking milk poop will further become yellowish colour (taking Breast milk) or greenish-yellow colour(taking Formula milk).
Note: If poop continues to black colour even after a week or a month please check with the doctor it might be due to infection.


 The first bath will be done by the nurse after that when you get discharged you can do your baby's bath.
  Before bath massage your baby with Oil(FIGARO OLIVE OIL is best it helps shine and moisturize the baby's skin).

Tip: If you are a first-time mom or your baby is too small please ask someone experienced to help you with baby baths and massage.


 Every time you feed your baby either breast milk or formula milk BURPING is a must. As the baby is small they cannot burp on their own so we need to make them burp. We can Burp the baby in 3 ways:

1. Hold the baby on the shoulder in such a way that their stomach is pressed by the shoulder.

2. Hold the baby in a sitting position on your lap and your stomach pressed by your hand.

3. Hold the baby on your lap with your baby's stomach pressed by your thigh.
Even after all this baby is facing gas, spit-up and colic problems then give colic aid drops (gives very fast relief) to your baby.

Tip: I feel comfortable with the third position but you can try which is comfortable for both you and your baby.

Umbilical cord:

  • The umbilical cord(Naal) is the cord attached from the baby's navel to the placenta(in the womb).
  • All the nutrients pass to the baby through this cord.
  • When the baby is born the umbilical cord is attached.
  • After a week or so this cord falls off.
  • Handle this cord gently. Regularly clean and put Betadine powder on it (Antibacterial powder).

Thank you for Reading. I hope you like it. In my next post, I will be posting home remedies and medicines for baby health problems. Keep Reading!!😁. 

You can E-mail or comment if you have any problems or need any help.

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  1. Thank you for sharing alwes some new things . I definitely know this will help everyone who are in their motherhood or going to be in their motherhood 🤗😀🙏🏻. Keep posting keep sharing..

  2. Thank you dear for sharing this information so helpful 😊
    N hope this will help for new mommy's ❣️

  3. Very nice❤❤❤a person who has experienced this thing herself is the only one who can explain it in such a will surely help the mommy to will be like a guide ...😘

    1. Thank you so much dear🥰keep supporting 🙏.
